Hi all,
Beatstep pro is connected to my Macbook via usb and i am using Ableton as DAW.
I have set ut midi out of my BSP to my JOMOX (Channel 10) and chain my JOMOX to my Korg Radias (Channel 1) and to my MFB NANOZWERG (Channel 2) via midi cable.
Sequencer 1 plays my Korg Radias
Sequencer 2 plays my NANOZWERG
Drum sequencer plays my JOMOX
As my Korg Radias accepts keyboard split, i would like to play chords from Ableton midi clips.
Fo that i have setup one Midi track in Ableton with an external instrument with "midi to" to my BSP on channel 1.
The problem is that i am not able to play more than one note at time due to monophony of the BSP. Is there a way to adress that?
Thanks for your help!!