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Author Topic: Presets are not loaded on plugin restart  (Read 3034 times)


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Presets are not loaded on plugin restart
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:32:25 pm »
This is what happens:

1. I choose a preset in Analog Lab
2. I use it; it works normally
3. I save the project in my DAW, and exit
4. When I reload the project later, Analog Lab loads a weird sounding "default" preset instead of the one that was selected when I saved.

If I copy the device and paste it in another track, it also happens. In other words: whenever Analog Lab is restarted, it loads a weird "default" preset instead of the one that was selected before. This happens on Cubase, Ableton Live and Bitwig Studio.

How may I fix this? It's a pain.  ???

I use Windows 7.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 06:34:23 pm by joepalos »


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Re: Presets are not loaded on plugin restart
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2015, 10:53:50 pm »
I know there a new update coming soon. i tested this on OS X and do not have your problem.
so i hope it helps

ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s


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