Overall, I was totally blown away by the sound quality! I only had a short time to use it, but the fact that all of the modulation and voice arrangement possibilities are there and then some is very impressive. I made a small patch with 12 monosynths on 12 different midi channels running on just one instance. That is fantastic!
I did notice that the filter resonance did not self oscillate on any odd numbered filter poles. It would only fully self oscillate on even numbered poles. I own a modern clone of this filter with all of the same filter responses, and it was very similar in sound except for the lack of full resonance on the odd filter poles. Maybe that is the original behavior of the Matrix 12/Expander?
Since this synthesizer is so flexible, I would also love to see more oscillator shapes. A bit like on the Prophet VS hybrid.

I didn't notice any computer issues, but this wasn't running on my personal computer.