Hi Simon
It was just about products that have been recently released and that in my opinion products should be sat on and thought about a bit more before releasing. Things that have been learned from one product's release, then being released as an updated product, but if that idea had more time to grow you may only have to release one product which as you can image, would save a lot of time and hassle, support, money, packaging, meetings, R&D, Testing, Beta Testing etc etc

Specifically it was aimed at Beatstep Pro. The original beatstep is a baby, yet you have an updated version of it already.
The Minibrute and Microbrute are different animals, but things added to the later that were not on the Mini, were then bought out as a Minibrute SE.
Spark CDM has now mostly been forgotten about since SparkLE, so much so that you have the same software for both boxes, (Spark 2) even though SparkLE is half the price of the original.
It's great that you are continually coming up with new ideas, that's an amazing thing. But to sit on your ideas just a little bit longer before release would make them a more rounded product and would greatly help any bad press you seem to get on here, not to mention the user experience and the stability of the units

Thanks, Stuart