for people who are interested on how to set midi note comming out of SPARK2 using the Midi Control Center...
it's quite easy:
-check your daw or hardware drumbox to know the midi channel (usualy 10 for a drum device)
and the notes they are waiting for (read the manual or check the software settings)
-turn the SPARKLE in "MIDI" mode (white LED on the right of the level knob) by pressin [filter]+[slicer]+[roller]
-run Midi Control Center
-select the SPARKLE in the MCC
-clic on the pad you want to set
-set the note number
-set the midi channel it's supposed to trig in your daw or hardware drumbox
and don't forget to pess [SYNC] and maybe save the template by dragging the "working mémory" to the "locale template" and rename it for exemple "midi note to tom cat"

oups bad exemple! or "midi note to DB"
when all is done
-turn back the SPARKLE to the "Spark" mode (blue LED on the left of the white you just change before... next to the volume knob!)
you can now run SPAR2 software and eventualy press [connect controler] (near the [perfs] button)
hope it helps.