I've tried out this beta version on the latest version of os x and logic. The bug described in this thread seems fixed but new problems with responsiveness have shown up. Without the spark le controller, during playback, changing parameters is not smooth and jerks around. With the controller, it's worse... I can't change parameter values at all during playback - only once I hit stop and play again does the change become active... The gui knobs aren't even responding as I move the knob on the controller. This beta version seems to unfortunately not be much of a step forward.
can you recheck there no lag as i still get it here? try changing pattens on the controller and have the sequencer open . I'm getting it but not as bad as before.
Correct, there is no hiccup or lag anymore. There is some minor gui delay when adjusting parameters, but doesn't really affect usability as I sounds to me as if the audio is being modified in priority.
My response above was inaccurate now that i've tested more thoroughly. It seems that I can produce a bug when the
spark le controller is connected: The three gui instrument parameter knobs in the Main view are always change to Instrument 1 after:
1) closing the gui
2) press play in logic, looping (gui still closed)
3) changing a parameter using the P1,P2,P3 knobs while looping (gui still closed)
4) stop looping
5) opening the gui
The gui will correct itself after selecting a new instrument (or the same one). I assume this action triggers a redraw of the gui.
So, this isn't affecting playback so much as the gui and the controller staying in sync whilst opening and closing the gui. It initially confused me.
I've also tested some other things that used to be broken and have found they may be fixed. Can we have a list of what items
should be fixed? I would love to continue testing.
we're getting closer....