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Author Topic: Midi channel for mini V  (Read 9695 times)


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Midi channel for mini V
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:48:05 pm »

I have a Keylab 49 and mini V software, I am trying to setup the mini V to recieve on a different midi channel but cannot for the life of me work this...it cant be that hard!!...I have changed the global midi channel in MCC to the same channel as the midi recieveing channel on mini V (in this instance channel 3) so I should get sound when I play the keylab keyboard right?...Wrong...Is ther something simple I have overlooked. I am using Ableton Live btw..i/o is set to all ins...

Any help much appreciated!!...


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Re: Midi channel for mini V
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2015, 04:04:28 pm »
I have changed the global midi channel in MCC ..

What is MCC?

I am using Ableton Live btw..i/o is set to all ins...

To all instruments? What about midi channels?

Remember that also your DAW shall recieve from you Keylabs midi send. Are they set to correspond?

In my opinion when you use a DAW, you should mostly  use the default settings, unless you are using a split settings setup for multible sounds depending on different midi channels for each sound or something like that. Usually midi "ALL" or perhaps midi channel "1" for your i/o settings.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 04:11:32 pm by LBH »


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Re: Midi channel for mini V
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2015, 04:38:42 am »
MCC is midi control center. Yes, that is exactly what I want to do...have my favourite presets for each v collection setup on my 10 switches, and just change my keyboard presets (which are assigned different midi channels for each) so that effectively I can change a keyboard preset (probably with a pad) and then get a fresh new set of presets for that particular plugin, as they will be assigned on another channel...does this make sense and am I missing something in trying to make this work??


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Re: Midi channel for mini V
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2015, 04:24:57 pm »
I'm not using Keylab or MCC. Have you for instance seen "5.7 Creating presets" in the Keylab manual? Is that what you are trying to do?

I am not using Ableton Live either. But usually in a DAW a track must be armed before the instrument on the track is controlled.
So if all your tracks are armed, then you can send midi data to them all.

When i talk about split, then it's like what you can read in the Global chapter of Keylab manual. Apparantly you can split your keyboard into two sections -  upper and lower. So you can set it to send one midi channel for the lower and one for the upper section. That can be used to control for instance two synth on two tracks in Your DAW if the tracks are armed and all after your DAW's requirements set to recieve on the matching midi channels for the upper and lower section.

Remember to engage Split Channels in your DAW if you would like to create a separate Instrument track input for each MIDI channel from the Keyboard, and your DAW require this.

This is the only need i can see for you to use multiple Midi channels with software.
Also there can be a purpose when using Hardware midi gear.

However - Mini V and other Arturia synths sadly do not recieve MIDI Program Change informations.

And this is what Analog Lab's manual say about MIDI Program Change:

"5.7.4 Standard list of presets and MIDI Program Change [new in Analog Lab 1.1]
The Live Programs are accessible through the VST3 list of presets provided by Analog Lab. In other words, you can select the live programs from DAWs’ preset selection.
As a consequence, you can select the live programs using MIDI Program Change messages depending on the support of your DAW.
Note that the list of presets is not supported in Audio Unit for technical reasons."

Also read "4.6 Live Mode Quick Start" and "5.7 Live mode" in Analog Lab's manual.

So in my opinion to do what you wan't if i understand you, then i would use the Analog Lab's Program Map's. You can save and load different Program Maps with different presets list. Then you can use your Keylab to control that.

And then you can use the snapshot feature for the 10 favorite snapshots from that Program Map.
Read "4.4 Taking a Snapshot" in Analog Lab's manual.

However in Live mode you don't have access to the full Mini V plug-in. Only the parameters in Analog Lab is availble. But that's many.

You can also create different start files for your DAW, with different set-up's - including sounds.

Just in case. The individual Arturia synth do not have the Program Map feature to enable Program change.  So you can't create set's of preset's for them, unless you do it in Analog Lab's Program Map as explained above.
NOTE: Analog Lab's manual mention something about you can use Program Change using the VST 3's comming with Analog Lab, but i can't find any Program Change possibility in my MIDI or automation Map's. Not even for Analog Lab itself. That's bad. Maybe it's another bug. Maybe Arturia can explain this?
EDIT: Maybe Arturia mean like i've explained, as the VST's comming with Analog Lab is only in Analog Lab.

This is what i can do to help you. Please note, i a user, not a technician, and i'm not using the same controller, MCC and DAW as you do.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2015, 08:55:20 pm by LBH »


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Re: Midi channel for mini V
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2015, 02:40:54 am »
Hi LBH, and thanks for your help with this...After much playing around yesterday, I came up with a (partial) solution..

Analog Lab (software by Arturia) enables the user to drag any preset directly to one of the 10 switches on my Keylab 49, thereby enabling me to use 10 different presets, even from 10 different VST's if I wanted to (I purchased the V collection 4 a couple of days ago) whilst staying on the same midi channel. There is also the ability to choose up to 127 presets through the analog lab device box in Ableton Live, though I would have to use the computer keyboard for this as that control doesn't appear to be midi mappable (would be nice if it was).

My ideal situation would be to, in a live situation, change midi channel on the fly (or even keyboard preset so a whole set of 10 presets comes up in a different memory slot - this may be preferable actually as changing the midi channel might require me to go back to the computer and adjust some settings) so that I can access more than 10 presets directly from my Keylab panel without using the computer (this way the computer really can just be a background piece of equipment)

At the moment the situation os workable but not ideal so may as well shoot for the stars on this one!! (first world problem I know...!!!)

Thanks once again for your input on this..


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Re: Midi channel for mini V
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 02:44:18 am »
Sorry, just read your post again and I have repeated part of what you said...yes, the VST3 thing I thought might be related to being able to choose bank and subbank in the notes section of ableton once you make a midi clip (some software do allow this) but I couldn't see how to do this...even so, this would only  apply to a few of the Arturia VST's anyway...


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Midi channel for mini V
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2016, 07:55:08 pm »
Cool. Thanks DJ.

Maybe katie or somebody else smarter than me can jump in with some clarification on the other points?


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