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Author Topic: SEM V 1.3.0 problem in Digital Performer 8.07 - with work-around  (Read 2113 times)


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SEM V 1.3.0 problem in Digital Performer 8.07 - with work-around
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:28:25 pm »

The work-around: after forcing AU examination, I clicked 'cancel' instead of 'OK', so that DP did NOT immediately re-launch the MOTU Audio System. Quit and re-launch DP, and the SEM appeared in the Instrument Track menu as expected.


I updated SEM-V and Wurly V yesterday via the new ASC. Subsequently, Digital Performer crashed on launch. After restarting my Mac Pro, DP launched, successfully but SEM V and Wurly V were missing from the menu Project > Add Track > Instrument Track > Arturia.

In DP Preferences > General > Audio Plugins, both SEM V and Wurly V are listed as having failed AU examination. However, during the initial relaunch after installation , DP had said all AUs passed examination.

I forced DP to re-examine via the Audio Plugins Preferences window. Both passed examination. However, when I restart the MOTU Audio System, the whole DP application crashes.

All software is up to date as of this writing.

DP 8.07
Mavericks 10.10.1
2009 Mac Pro 8-core 2.26 GHz, 16 GB RAM
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 01:00:37 am by bobk »


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