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Author Topic: Logic Pro X Controller Assignments Issue with AL  (Read 3367 times)


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Logic Pro X Controller Assignments Issue with AL
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:31:34 pm »
When i assign any Keylab49 knobs to do something in another softsynth on a separate track in Logic and then launch Analog Lab on a new track, the knob i have assigned to something else will now NOT work in Analog Lab. I have to delete the controller assignments in Logic to get it to work, or re-assign the knob in AL. None of my other soft synths do this.

For example i can assign the CutOff knob to Cut off in Korg Mono/Poly and then open Sylenth on another track and assign the cutoff knob to the cut off in that synth. Going back to Korg Mono/Poly, the cut off is still properly assigned. Go back to Sylenth, it's properly assigned. If i re-assign the knob to cut off in AL on a third track, then it wipes the aassignments on the other synths. It's like AL thinks its the only plug in i'm ever going to use so monopolises all the assignments.

This may not seem like a big deal, but i'm within my warranty period Arturia  and if this isn't resolved, i'll just return this stiff knobbed white elephant and go back to my Novation SL 61!


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