there doesn't seem to be a "right" way to set up spark. At least in cubase. I can use it so many different ways, but none of them are really what I want.
I have had some success with this the last few days because of your help, I thank you, Spark still isn't behaving correctly, though.
Here is what happens now:
I set spark up as you suggest. I have a midi track, and another track for automation. I play, record, and it seems to MOSTLY play back the right thing.Spark pad hits are all on a midi track, available to edit, how I want. It isn't QUITE what i really played though, i can tell. To check, I set up an audio buss to record spark perf as an audio track at the same time (as a backup).
Now, I can play back and compare these 2 performances. They should sound the same, right?
Sometimes the midi and audio match, often, they do not. I don't understand. I've been using DAW sequencers for almost 20 years and I am certainly not a stupid person. SPARK VST integration makes no sense.