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Author Topic: Beatstep sequencing the DSI Tetra with NRPN messages  (Read 4918 times)


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Beatstep sequencing the DSI Tetra with NRPN messages
« on: July 04, 2014, 04:05:35 pm »
I just wanted to start by saying I love this machine. For the price I paid, the quality of the build, it's been a lot of fun so far.

I am working on interfacing my DSI Tetra with the Beatstep and I'm wondering if anyone else is doing likewise. The DSI Tetra four voices sending analog drum sounds would be amazing for my live show. There is a sequencer on the Tetra for each voice that I believe can be changed using NRPN messages. There just has to be some research and experimentation to make this work.


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Re: Beatstep sequencing the DSI Tetra with NRPN messages
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2014, 05:36:01 pm »
Here's the information in the Tetra Manual

1011 nnnn
Control Change
0110 0011
NRPN parameter number MSB CC
0vvv vvvv
Parameter Number MSB
0110 0010
NRPN parameter number LSB CC
0vvv vvvv
Parameter Number LSB
0000 0110
NRPN parameter value MSB CC
0vvv vvvv
Parameter value MSB
0010 0110
NRPN parameter value LSB CC
0vvv vvvv
Parameter value LSB
The parameter number can be found in the two tables below, one for Global parameters, and the other for Program parameters. The parameter numbers and the parameter values are broken into two 7-bit bytes for MIDI transmission; the LSB has the seven least-significant bits, and the MSB has the seven most- significant bits, though in most cases the MSB will be zero or one, and never more than two.
When receiving an NRPN, all messages do not necessarily need to be transmitted, since the synth will track the most recent NRPN number, though it is usually good practice to send the entire message above.
Once an NRPN is selected, the synth will also respond to NRPN Data Increment and Decrement commands, which some controllers utilize. Finally, it responds to one RPN (Registered Parameter Number) command, the RPN/NRPN Reset command, which can be handy for resetting the currently selected parameter to a known state.


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Re: Beatstep sequencing the DSI Tetra with NRPN messages
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2017, 04:25:45 am »
I tried programming my Beatstep Pro knobs to control the Tetra's sequencer and using the free app "midi monitor" I monitored and wrote down the NRPNs the Tetra sends for each step. Unfortunately the BSP knobs (as well as my Emu XBoard's knobs), in NRPN mode, send 14-bit data rather than 7-bit data, which the Tetra's parameters require. So turning a knob almost immediately hits and exceeds the Tetra's maximum value of 128, showing the maximum setting of "rest" for the majority of the knob's range. I don't know if it's possible to set the range 1-128 or 0-127 while in NRPN mode.


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Re: Beatstep sequencing the DSI Tetra with NRPN messages
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2017, 04:31:21 am »
If you are still wondering, the Tetra's Sequencer 1 sends and receives, for

step 1: MSB 0, LSB 120
step 2: MSB 0, LSB 121...etc

throught to

step 8: MSB 0, LSB 127


step 9: MSB 1, LSB 0
step 10: MSB 1, LSB 1
step 11: MSB 1, LSB 2...etc continuing on

Hope this helps.


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