Yes sorry I just noticed Terrym's tr 8-808 kit has separate kit for windows and mac
I have windows
What is weird is the dnb kit has .wav files and i asumed that mac was .aif
I dont know why you cant see the .wav in BLOFELD if you can see the .wav in DnB
I normalised and exported to aif in cubase and tried to make a kit for windows but i cant get it to export
a valid .spk that i can import to check which is a a bug
Below is the zip of the aif files if your interested
There not to bad actually now there normalised
I will update my post in the meantime to state windows only
It be nice to know if it works on windows
Sorry im not a up to speed with mac im guessing you can open zip though otherwise let me know
AIF samples I haven't trimmed the latency off these so they need chopping at the front I will redo them soon