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The Arturia Analog Experience the Laboratory is not going win7 64bit Pro and ultimate! Help Me

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Author Topic: Arturia Analog Experience the Laboratory not going win7 64bit Pro and ultimate  (Read 2898 times)


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The Arturia Analog Experience the Laboratory is not going win7 64bit Pro and ultimate! Help Me

I have a Screenshot

Software 1.5.2 :-[

Mr. Roboto

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So what is this poll about? Blame Arturia?
Why don't you first ask if other people had the same issue and how the solved it?

Did you already open a case at tech support? What did they reply?
I'm in doubt that it is related to the Pro Version of Windows.

Did you try to run it with one of the multiple compability options in Win7?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 09:38:42 am by Mr. Roboto »
Less talk, more action!


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it worx in windoze 8, without compatibility issues...arturia problably fixed this with the latest updates to 64bit :)
Arturia Laboratory 61 AE, V-collection 6, Beatstep, Beatstep Pro, Drumbrute, Bitwig2.1, windows 10


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