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Author Topic: Will Spark 2 software will work with the original hardware?  (Read 11031 times)


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Re: Will Spark 2 software will work with the original hardware?
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2014, 08:23:48 pm »
All this holding for 1 sec then and scrolling malarky is subjective. Being very sensitive, a hold could be seen as a push and visa versa, but saying all this, there still is not exit strategy.
I think it's been said a free times that direct access is the way forward, yes, lets keep the shift 7 for conformity thats all fine. but once you're in Library, how do you get out?
select+1 (or select + any number) wherever you want to go. Personally, I like to stay in the library page to test different project/kits/inst. CDM controller is still fully working in the library page so I can make some try,  use transport, bank, pattern, steps, pads, knobs from the controller. No need to get back to the main page. And if you do want, just hit select+ ' 1 '.

Once you're into the library it is assumed that you make a selection, you then return back to the main window. What if you want to exit the menu without choosing an instrument?   You can't...
Of course you can : select+1 .
With v1.7, project/kits/instrument page were a floating windows, not anymore with Spark 2...

There are two 'clear' button (Shift -Mute, Solo) but a simple 'cancel' is required on the hardware. For software it's a case of just hitting 'Esc'
I agree, 'esc' button was missing in v1.7. But now, it is obvious.
(I asked for a confirm pop-up window as an additional feature to prevent mistakes ; this could eventually be a preference to enable/disable this confirm window).

Personally i think there should be no holding down of the wheel at all, it's too idiosyncratic and rife for mistakes.
I never liked the "holding down" feature too. It is an heritage of the inital jogwheel behavior (before v1.5 as I recall) : there were no floating Project/Kit/Inst. window at all. Only the jogwheel and the LCD were needed to select instrument or kits (no project load option).

A simple click of the wheel should get you to the library, saved in the last state you left it in.
I agree . Re-read my post -> I tried to decompose step-by-step the wheel behavior (with 4 proposals).

I wrote "from the library page" meaning library page is the starting point of the description.
I didn't impose any specific way to go to this page : this can be "select+7", click on the GUI, or click on the jogwheel (unfortunately, not available at this moment).

The wheel then should scroll through the entire list but not indefinitely scroll. The sub menus should be included in the scroll so when one of the menus is highlight, you are able to choose from of the sub menus list (click to confirm).
Why not. I made a proposal to include the tabs in the favorite scroll, but your proposal is fine too.

There should also be a 'cancel or back' item in list so that you can exit if needed.
Once again, forget the old Floating project window. Just use the actual shortcuts (select+page nb) is fine to me. There is no more exit notion anymore : the Library page is one page amongst 8, no more not less.

All this should also be reported on the hardware. Reporting change is the single most important thing when controlling software.
I agree. Project/Kit/inst/disk should show up on the LCD display. For the page status, maybe highlighting the step number when holding select could reflect the active page of the GUI :

- Hold select :
if GUI is on the Main page : ' 1 ' is highlighted
if GUI is on the Sequencer page : ' 2 ' is highlighted
... etc ...
if GUI is on the Library page : ' 7 ' is highlighted
if GUI is on the Preferences page : ' 8 ' is highlighted
(like the mode 13 and 16)

Maybe this is not the right thread to discuss about that, but it is quite CDM+Spark2 specific...


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Re: Will Spark 2 software will work with the original hardware?
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2014, 09:20:46 pm »
Of course you can : select+1 .
With v1.7, project/kits/instrument page were a floating windows, not anymore with Spark 2...

There's a bug in Beta3 that means Select - 1 doesn't work at all. The previous beta was ok but try using select-1 whilst in a sub menu... Once you move around the sub menus and are scrolling through items, Select-1 is no longer an option. 

I agree, 'esc' button was missing in v1.7. But now, it is obvious.
(I asked for a confirm pop-up window as an additional feature to prevent mistakes ; this could eventually be a preference to enable/disable this confirm window).

'Esc' as in the Esc key on your keyboard. The workflow here needs to split between hardware and software, then work in both. Most of this is just a reporting issue and can be dealt with quite easily.

The wheel then should scroll through the entire list but not indefinitely scroll. The sub menus should be included in the scroll so when one of the menus is highlight, you are able to choose from of the sub menus list (click to confirm).Why not. I made a proposal to include the tabs in the favorite scroll, but your proposal is fine too.

indefinitely scrolling is confusing, a list has a top and a bottom. We start at the top and finish at the bottom. Gives users boundaries. I don't see that holding the wheel is at all necessary, scroll to the top then along for sub menus, confirm then scroll for item. It's very fluid, same as I mentioned a while back in my original reply to Kevin. 

There should also be a 'cancel or back' item in list so that you can exit if needed. Once again, forget the old Floating project window. Just use the actual shortcuts (select+page nb) is fine to me. There is no more exit notion anymore : the Library page is one page amongst 8, no more not less.

Whilst in the sub menus a cancel button would be useful when you already have your hand on the wheel. Remember, try doing this without looking at the software - this is what this is all about. Also remember a lot of people using this live, It's always better to try and give a one handed/fingered responses where possible. The inclusion of select-number means a 2 handed gesture where 1 would suffice.

I agree. Project/Kit/inst/disk should show up on the LCD display. For the page status, maybe highlighting the step number when holding select could reflect the active page of the GUI :

- Hold select :
if GUI is on the Main page : ' 1 ' is highlighted
if GUI is on the Sequencer page : ' 2 ' is highlighted
... etc ...
if GUI is on the Library page : ' 7 ' is highlighted
if GUI is on the Preferences page : ' 8 ' is highlighted
(like the mode 13 and 16)

This needs to kept very simple IMO. Simple text for a limited time on the LCD panel to tell you where you have landed, the change reports every time you change menus. A user will remember where they are, there's no requirement for extra shift controls to remind you of a menu you opened 1 seconds previous. Think of the sub menus as items in the list, say like a drum pad would look. So, you'd click on that as you would an instrument. instead of opening a kit, it would open the new menu which would be reported simply as 'Disk' or 'Kit' or wherever you'd landed on.

if GUI is on the Main page : ' 1 ' is highlighted
if GUI is on the Sequencer page : ' 2 ' is highlighted

Far too technical and too confusing. More numbers to remember. Beside, you might think you've inserted a hat on beat 2 or whatever. What's wrong with using plain old English? There's an LCD panel, lets use it :)

Thanks, Stuart
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 09:30:19 pm by stuart »
Mac 10.7.5
2.3Ghz Quad Core 'Clovertown'
8 Gb 667 RAM
SSD Boot Drive
Lynx Aurora 8
Lynx AES16
UAD LA 610 Mk 2
UAD 2 Duo
Arturia Spark
Arturia Analog Laboratory 61
Pro Tools 10.3.7
Arturia V Collection
Arturia Analog Laboratory
Arturia Brass 2
Ableton Live 8
Reason 6.5
Melodyne Studio 3


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