This is priceless. I mean Arturia itself is a wicked company producing high quality controllers that doesn't work out of the box.
I guess its YOUR FAULT (the world) cause how come they could release something that (globally) doesn't work.
As it is not my first product from Arturia I am aware of faults and non responsive support well who are you people to demand updates, software costs for pete sake.
I decided to go to my local store and get this controller just to find out whether there is a bunch of unlucky people here or something is not right stating that I am reserving the right to return it WITHOUT GIVING THE REASON within a week. I can return it anyways just don't want to apologize for being a time waster or for Arturia's "quality" workmanship.
Imagine what a surprise. Knobs works but no acceleration settings seems not responsive well I have a solution:
turn down the tempo to 50BPM and that way you have plenty of time to keep twisting the cutoff knob from 0 to 127 or just spread the raise across 48 bars CLUB likes it that way.
PAD 10 is less responsive than others - solution:
1- ask younger brother or sister/son daughter to whack it with a stick or a little hammer for you
2- head bang it
3-do not use, why would you want to use it anyway its not like essential or something
Pads producing double hits randomly - solution
Stop moaning about it its like extra feature to glitch up your drums and its ABSOLUTELY FREE!!
To be fair in this little review kudos for the unit i'm testing as it does tempo change, pitch, and sync with my other synth via 5 pin din and CV does work with my other Arturia product Microbrute << this one is quite ok for the price. Also I must say I like the feel of sturdiness and and pretty lights flashing pleasant blue light, slightly smudged by tears of disappointment as I speak.
As a conclusion: I will definitely not wait for "soon to be released firmware" for 2 reasons
1- it will not be anytime soon and
2-it will most likely not fix double hits I doubt it.
3-because they just don't care.