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Author Topic: Firmware Update  (Read 104892 times)


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #60 on: December 21, 2014, 12:02:40 am »
"so why does it have to be so complicated, guys?"

Because they release half arsed products that don't work properly and crap all over their customers, its company policy.


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #61 on: December 23, 2014, 05:31:11 pm »
Quote from: terrym
what do you want to see in the firmware update? terrym

1. Better communication with MCC in OSX 10.9 and above .
2. Triplet values !!! ....what is a groove without 1/8 T ?
3. Note Tie   ( use shift/seq and purple led  maybe ?
4 . Up to 32 or 64 steps per pattern .


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2015, 10:30:45 pm »
what do you want to see in the firmware update?


http://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=83381.msg115177 - Visualize note data (description/example picture)
- same principal can also be used to display BPM value since pads are #'d.

http://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=83380.msg115176 - Alternate gate mode (constant/clock)


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #63 on: January 14, 2015, 01:58:59 pm »
what do you want to see in the firmware update?
Crucial, basic stuff:
  • Transpose needs to work in paused mode in sequencer while programming. Useless for live use now.
  • No restart of sequencer pattern when changing loop length and/or time division, also useless for live use now.

Nice to have
  • Hz/V cv output (and also s-trigger) for use with older Korg stuff an the like. Would be totally acceptable to only be able to set this from MCC

And finally:
For there to really be more firmware updates! With basic functionality fixed first, before more esoteric requests. The gate/swing/legato fix was awesome.

Kandidat Löfvberg
Member of Swedish Hotsynth Quintet


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #64 on: January 15, 2015, 09:34:21 am »
Are we ever likely to see a firmware update for the BeatStep? I'm disappointed with Arturia's lack of support for this and other (namely Microbrute and Spark 2) products.

Spreading themselves too thin - too many products released in too short a time IMHO.

Their support for this so-called "groundbreaking" new audio interface will have to be better than this, otherwise it's doomed to failure.


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #65 on: January 15, 2015, 09:38:19 am »

  • Transpose needs to work in paused mode in sequencer while programming. Useless for live use now.
  • No restart of sequencer pattern when changing loop length and/or time division, also useless for live use now.


Fully agree Löfvberg - transpose not working when the sequencer is paused is a massive issue, even in the studio.


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #66 on: February 03, 2015, 01:14:57 pm »
Quote from: terrym
what do you want to see in the firmware update? terrym

1. Better communication with MCC in OSX 10.9 and above .
2. Triplet values !!! ....what is a groove without 1/8 T ?
3. Note Tie ( use shift/seq and purple led  maybe ? )
4 . Up to 32 or 64 steps per pattern .

So how about it Arturia ? Can we squeeze a little bit more out of this ? The no triplet thing has bummed me out since I got it ... That at the least would allow it to still be useful running next to the Pro for me .


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #67 on: March 27, 2015, 02:37:27 am »
Quote from: terrym
what do you want to see in the firmware update? terrym

1. Better communication with MCC in OSX 10.9 and above .
2. Triplet values !!! ....what is a groove without 1/8 T ?
3. Note Tie ( use shift/seq and purple led  maybe ? )
4 . Up to 32 or 64 steps per pattern .

So how about it Arturia ? Can we squeeze a little bit more out of this ? The no triplet thing has bummed me out since I got it ... That at the least would allow it to still be useful running next to the Pro for me .

No word ? Any hope for updates or is this now a dead product ?


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #68 on: May 15, 2015, 09:51:53 am »
Have had same problems as other members in syncing with MCC. Thanks for the tips David, a combination of your instructions and rebooting my Mac do get it to work. Once I unplug however or shut down MCC the same problem occurs. Is there any procedure that can ensure a constant connection or do I have to follow this process every time I want to use the MCC? In the meantime have saved as much as I can to the Beatstep but still not ideal.


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #69 on: May 28, 2015, 08:08:57 pm »
So Arturia have officially abandoned this product ? ...and the customers who believed in their product ?


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #70 on: June 22, 2015, 10:15:31 pm »
This is priceless. I mean Arturia itself is a wicked company producing high quality controllers that doesn't work out of the box.

I guess its YOUR FAULT (the world) cause how come they could release something that (globally) doesn't work.

As it is not my first product from Arturia I am aware of faults and non responsive support well who are you people to demand updates, software costs for pete sake.

I decided to go to my local store and get this controller just to find out whether there is a bunch of unlucky people here or something is not right stating that I am reserving the right to return it WITHOUT GIVING THE REASON within a week. I can return it anyways just don't want to apologize for being a time waster or for Arturia's "quality" workmanship.

Imagine what a surprise. Knobs works but no acceleration settings seems not responsive well I have a solution:
turn down the tempo to 50BPM and that way you have plenty of time to keep twisting the cutoff knob from 0 to 127 or just spread the raise across 48 bars CLUB likes it that way.

PAD 10 is less responsive than others - solution:
1- ask younger brother or sister/son daughter to whack it with a stick or a little hammer for you
2- head bang it
3-do not use, why would you want to use it anyway its not like essential or something

Pads producing double hits randomly - solution
Stop moaning about it its like extra feature to glitch up your drums and its ABSOLUTELY FREE!!

To be fair in this little review kudos for the unit i'm testing as it does tempo change, pitch, and sync with my other synth via 5 pin din and CV does work with my other Arturia product Microbrute << this one is quite ok for the price. Also I must say I like the feel of sturdiness and and pretty lights flashing pleasant blue light, slightly smudged by tears of disappointment as I speak.

As a conclusion: I will definitely not wait for "soon to be released firmware" for 2 reasons
1- it will not be anytime soon and
2-it will most likely not fix double hits I doubt it.
3-because they just don't care.


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #71 on: June 24, 2015, 09:56:30 am »
Hahahaha, nice review Vangassen!

To be fair, all of the pads on my beatstep are responsive, and I don't see any double hits, so perhaps you got a unit with dodgy hardware.

Software-wise, it's a mess.


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #72 on: December 03, 2015, 10:29:29 am »
So I suppose there will be no more firmware updates for the "Basic" Beatstep...  :'(
Or do anybody know anything to the contrary? I only want some bugfixes, no new functionality is needed. But the state of the machine is making it a fun toy only, which can't be used to play live.
Sad, really.
Kandidat Löfvberg
Member of Swedish Hotsynth Quintet


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #73 on: January 05, 2016, 04:15:08 am »
I think we've been abandoned. I should have returned this thing a year ago when I had the chance. A sequencer with dodgy sync is useless. I fell for the promise of "firmware updates are coming". I won't make that mistake again.


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Re: Firmware Update
« Reply #74 on: January 22, 2016, 10:36:38 am »
Yeah, very disappointed that Arturia didn't actually get this product to work. At the very least, a trade-in offer for a BeatStep Pro would have been nice.

And, now, they release a £2000 synth, when it seems their software team can't even get a £100 step sequencer to work properly.


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