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Author Topic: External expression pedal? External arpegiattor trigger switch?  (Read 2662 times)


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External expression pedal? External arpegiattor trigger switch?
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:28:32 pm »
Hi guys

I want to use my Minibrute in my band and I am trying to puzzle out if this is possible:

1) Is there a way to connect an external expression pedal to control the master volume (or other features).

2) Using the Arpegiator in Hold mode, I've programmed in a simple pattern. I need to trigger the pattern to play only at certain times during a song.  Is there a way I can attach an external footswitch to start/stop the arpegiattor remotely? If I just turn off the arpegiator it will simply lose the pattern I've created. So I need to be able to start/stop the clock without losing the pattern.

If there is no way to external trigger the arpegiator, then I am hoping I can just mute the sound by an expression pedal controlling the volume.

Any suggestions?



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Re: External expression pedal? External arpegiattor trigger switch?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 07:13:58 am »

quite sorry you did'nt get any answer  , did you find anything to get use of
the minibruteCVs IN ?



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