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Author Topic: Octave buttons; Not assignable?  (Read 4128 times)


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Octave buttons; Not assignable?
« on: September 28, 2012, 12:11:19 am »
When I launch standalone Player (as well as through a VST), the Octave buttons do not correspond with what appears on the screen.  In order to "see" onscreen what is being played on the hardware, I have to push the octave button on screen, as well.  In other words, pushing the octave buttons on the keyboard changes the octave as expected (sound-wise), but what appears on the screen remains the same...

I noticed in the Midi Control Center, the Octave buttons are "not assignable".  Is that why the buttons don't correspond with what is happening on screen? 

Very curious about this because so much power in the machine and software... but a simple button push doesn't correspond w/ the software??  Any clarification would be appreciated.  Everything else is so awesome, (worth the frustration of not having a proper serial #/unlock code)... and if this button issue could at least be clarified, that would be neat.  Thanks.


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