Thanx For 1.5. great update

One thing. I expected that when we go in tune mode we could control the sound by a midi/usb keyboard. I use a factory experience KB. I can reproduce the sounds of the 16 pads of spark on my keyboards keys. What i'd like to have is when i put the tune mode ON, the sound selected on spark can be played on all the keys, chromatically.
I found out that in spark preferences, in the sequencer tab, we can change the tune mode target: pads or sequencer steps. It's by default on sequencer steps. When you put it on PADS mode, then you can play the sound on the keyboard, but only on 16 keys (reproducing the 16 pads). So i'd like is that it plays on all the keys, not only 16.
Can this be done? ( by allowing us the play more than 16 notes at once from one sound, or by creating another entry in the tune mode MODE, ex "external keyboard")
Thanx a lot