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Author Topic: Fader sends out MIDI values exponentially!  (Read 3301 times)


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Fader sends out MIDI values exponentially!
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:26:14 pm »
I'm owner of an Arturia Laboratory 61 keyboard for some weeks now and I'm pretty happy with most of it.

One problem remains to be solved though:
The faders have a MIDI value range from 000 to 127. Normally you would expect the fader increasing the MIDI values linearly (linear fader curve) so that a fader being placed in the middle of its rail sends out a MIDI value of about 64.

8 of 9 of my faders do so but one does not. It increases the MIDI values almost exponentially which is very bad.
In the middle of its trail it sends out a value of 008 and from then on it becomes almost uncontrollable (it misses out some values and so on).

Any ideas to fix this would be highly appreciated!!! :-\


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Re: Fader sends out MIDI values exponentially!
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2012, 05:09:52 pm »
I am having the same problem with one of my knobs on the 49 key analog lab controller. Any ideas on how to fix this would be much appreciated! I am fairly certain it is a software issue of some sort.


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