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Author Topic: List of Instruments  (Read 2089 times)


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List of Instruments
« on: September 11, 2012, 03:28:33 pm »
I have searched (I promise) but is there an Index of Instruments anywhere.


Bass Drum / Analog / Circuit
Bass Drum / Analog / VIntage
Bass Drum / Analog / Acid
Bass Drum / Physical Model / Electricity
Bass Drum / Sample / ...
Synth / Analog / Synth Bass 1

I just want to print it out (the Synths) and laminate it, the LCD on the unit is too slow/small to seriously scroll through the hundreds of Presets.



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Re: List of Instruments
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2012, 08:25:59 am »
you can filter the list when you are searching an instrument.
If you hold Select then click on the knob you will be able to choose between Analog/Sample/Physical. If you still hold Select and click again on the knob you will be able to choose between all the type of instrument BD/SD/HH/...
To choose just release the Select button then click on the knob. Then choose the engine Analog/Sample/Physical.
That's all :)
Soft Arturia


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Re: List of Instruments
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 11:29:32 am »
Oh I know, and that's a great feature.

But, say, I'm look for "Trance Energy Pad"

I know it's a Synth, but is it Sample or Analog?

I've got 150+ Patches to scroll through, and each one appears as an abbreviation (e.g. ""22. Micromatix Le") which then tries to scroll to show the full name. And the LCD updates slowly.

So I scroll through one at a time. Takes a while. Because the Patches aren't alphabetic so you need to read each Patch name as it appears.

If I had a printout that I could glance at and see that "Trance Energy Pad" is "87", I could very rapidly scroll through. And a feature to stop the LCD scrolling would help.

I appreciate you are limited by a small LCD screen (no software update will fix that!) which is why a document I can print would be ideal.

Or .... the ability to put Patches in a Favourites folder?  ;)



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