Oh I know, and that's a great feature.
But, say, I'm look for "Trance Energy Pad"
I know it's a Synth, but is it Sample or Analog?
I've got 150+ Patches to scroll through, and each one appears as an abbreviation (e.g. ""22. Micromatix Le") which then tries to scroll to show the full name. And the LCD updates slowly.
So I scroll through one at a time. Takes a while. Because the Patches aren't alphabetic so you need to read each Patch name as it appears.
If I had a printout that I could glance at and see that "Trance Energy Pad" is "87", I could very rapidly scroll through. And a feature to stop the LCD scrolling would help.
I appreciate you are limited by a small LCD screen (no software update will fix that!) which is why a document I can print would be ideal.
Or .... the ability to put Patches in a Favourites folder?
