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Author Topic: Multiple synth lines / sequencers per program  (Read 4034 times)


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Multiple synth lines / sequencers per program
« on: July 18, 2012, 05:07:24 am »

One of the things I have noticed is that Arturia people have been too modest when marketing Origin. For example, the fact that you can create up to four independent synth lines per *program* (not multi) has not really been broadcast sufficiently. You have four outputs per program, and four programs per multi. This can be very powerful, especially in conjunction with the sequencers (plural). Three sequencers per program, four programs per multi = 12 simultaneous 32-step sequencers! OMG!! And if you include the "Accent" tracks that are part of each sequencer, you could say that you can have 24 32-step sequencer tracks running simultaneously. Show me one hardware or software device that comes close to that...

I recommend a new marketing campaign.


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Re: Multiple synth lines / sequencers per program
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2012, 11:59:07 pm »
I have the Virus TI in addition to the Origin, it is a brilliant machine to be sure, but it has taken a long, long time to get it to where it is today. Lots of issues-considering that it has just hit 5.0, it takes almost super human strength to endure the process involved in developing building supporting and refining music machines like the Origin and Virus TI.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 08:44:54 pm by goldenanalog »


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Re: Multiple synth lines / sequencers per program
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2012, 12:25:52 am »
Even in it's 'unfinished' state, the Origin easily rates as one of the best hardware synths that money can buy. What happened is that Arturia bit off more then it could chew completely innocently IMO. But: they've hung in there, and now it's pretty much airborne... mostly firing on all cylinders.

As a guy who's somewhat gotten on the inside of some 'stuff' I really really appreciate what Arturia went through with the whole Origin project, and what they've been able to achieve.



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