Hi seesaw,
If you want to reset a patch to the previously used settings you can use the SNAPSHOTS or load another patch and than load the patch again.
Now the real problem:

You have to prepare another keyboard setup to be able to post-edit or see the recorded automations in Ableton.
Set the CONTROLS', ENVELOPES' and Modulation wheels MIDI-Channels to PANEL and the MOD sections MIDI-Channel to ALL. The DRUMPADS, SEARCH, SNAPSHOTS and SEQUENCER sections as well as the Tempo fader and the Level encoder can use there normal MIDI-Channel settings.
After storing this configuration to the keyboards memory you can open Ableton and use Abletons MIDI-Mapping-Feature to map all the CONTROLS and ENVELOPES manually.
Open the device-parameters for the Laboratory plugin and activate the Configure-Button, now switch to another preset in SCENE-Mode to see all the available parameters of the plugin. (I guess you already know this, because this is the same as with most other plugins) Add the Level encoder, upper and lower Pitch-Wheel and upper and lower Modulation-Wheel as well and then map the WHEELS, CONTROLS and ENVELOPES to there associated sliders and you're ready to record.
Because you've used the PANEL and ALL settings for the keyboard instead of predefined MIDI-Channels, you can still control the CONTROLS and ENVELOPES for the UPPER and the LOWER part of a SCENE and record everything.
Now you can post-edit all the recorded fades and twiddlings you made!

Best regards,
BTW: Pitch wheel can only be assigned to UPPER or LOWER pitch and the whole mixer section is not even available for automation recording. ' hope Arturia will improve this in the new version!