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Author Topic: Sequencer / Keyboard / Polyphony question  (Read 4793 times)


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Sequencer / Keyboard / Polyphony question
« on: June 27, 2012, 09:42:13 pm »
Origin newbie...
I have a patch where I have three separate instruments/outputs set up (not a multi but one program). Two of them are being controlled by the sequencer only, at least that's the intention. The third is played on the keyboard. The polyphony is set to 6 because the third instr. is for chords. So I have made sure that there are absolutely no direct connections between the keyboard and the first two instruments.

But what happens when I play the third one, while instr. 1 & 2 are being played by the sequencer (and only then) is that for some reason Origin is layering on/doubling voices for the first two instruments - not the notes I'm playing on the keyboard, but the notes the sequencer is already playing. It seems to be the sequencer connection doing this (if I disconnect the sequencer for the OSCs for instr. 1 & 2 the keyboard has no effect on them).

Maybe there is something I'm missing. There must be a way to have voice paths be completely independent of the keyboard when controlled by the sequencer. I did see a post from a couple of years ago about Sequencer/KeyTrigg and gates being on the PROGRAM level - if this is the issue, might there be a workaround for this?



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Re: Sequencer / Keyboard / Polyphony question
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 10:32:40 am »
Maybe you could send me your preset.

If I have well understood: you're trying - within  the same patch, i.e. in the context of one SINGLE - to manage 3 sound generator connected each to 1 output (I mean VCA here), 2 of them being "controlled" by the Sequencer and which should behaves as monophonic sound , the 3rd one being "controlled" by the keyboard and which should behaves as a polyphonic sound.

This is something which is not possible with Origin. A SINGLE preset can be monophonic or polyphonic but not both. What you build in the PATCH/RACK view is what you get in ONE voice. If the SINGLE is monophonic, 1 voice will be "created" (maybe more depending on the UNISON parameter) and *all* notes you play will be directed to this voice (or voices of the unison group). If the SINGLE is polyphonic, then several voices will be created when you play notes, each note being directed to one voice. So in your case, when you play a chord you "create" as much voices as there are notes in the chord. Therefore these voices will also generates the sound for the 2 outputs you want to be controlled by the sequencer, hence resulting in the "doubling" you mention.

To do what you want you'll have to build 2 SINGLES: one monophonic preset managing the 2 mono sounds, and a 2nd one - polyphonic - managing the 3rd sound. And then to regroup these 2 SINGLES in a MULTI preset. In the MULTI you can set the zones parameters to determine how these 2 presets will react to keyboard events.
Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: Sequencer / Keyboard / Polyphony question
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 04:33:14 pm »

Thank you Philippe, this is exactly what I started doing last night - making the 2 sequencer sounds monophonic and moving the polyphonic one to a second single, and combining them into a multi.

At first I was trying to have them all in one SINGLE in order to have more options for percussion sounds/sequences in the other three SINGLEs of the multi. But I checked out the "Origin Sequence" patch which demonstrates how much you can pack into one SINGLE, and how you can use the Accent track of each sequence to fire various percussion envelopes. This is really nifty. The sequencers in Origin (and the Origin as a whole) are something that Tangerine Dream, Jarre and Kraftwerk would have killed for...


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Re: Sequencer / Keyboard / Polyphony question
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 06:29:53 pm »
We don't ask that much  ;)
Origin Lead  Developer


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