... Maybe related to previous issue:
When using Multi presets, I can see this text more often under blank screen:
ASSERT: O (and some symbol that I dont know...)
For example using joystic in 3rd slot in some multipreset seems to do that every time I touch it. EDIT: try selecting presets #353 or #355. I get this "crash" everytime I choose one of those.
This "crash" does not do any serious malfunction, pressing for example Multi-button takes you back to normal view...
Two more things:
#1. Philippe, I understand the reason why we cannot change filter to SEMfilter, but from users point of view it's something that should be fixed. For example if you wanna start with new Standard synth template, it's not very practical to first delete Origin filter module and then import SEMfilter and rewire it again, you know.
#2. Multi FX: Is there any physical knob that can control master FX? If there is, I did not find it? Anyway you cannot route master FX to those assignable knobs, no? IMO now when we have those FXs, we should have live control over them, don't you think?
EDIT: #3. Deleting Multis still does not delete its name.... I also tested deleting Multipresets with Origin Connection app. Same result. In fact names disappeared from the computer screen but no in Origin itself. But when I let Connection refresh its presetslist they came back.