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Author Topic: keyboard split not possible?  (Read 11979 times)


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keyboard split not possible?
« on: February 02, 2017, 05:32:30 pm »
the 4 Key Follow zones only zone the keyboard trigger - however if you have a mono patch and you hit a key outside of the zone, the pitch CV will still change, i.e. the key is not ignored, even when played outside of that Zone. 

So my current understanding is, the Modular V does not allow true keyboard splits, is that correct? For example if you have a DAW with two instances of Modular V on separate tracks: The first patch a bass sequence, the second patch a poly string pad, there is no way to split them across the keyboard within Modular V itself? (I know you could do it in the DAW with different MIDI channels etc. but that's not what I'm looking for)


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