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Author Topic: Keys Issue: Analog Factory Experience: 32 Note Controller: SOLVED!  (Read 7078 times)


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Keys Issue: Analog Factory Experience: 32 Note Controller: SOLVED!
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:47:59 am »
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forum and have a question. I recently picked up (via eBay) a used Arturia 32 Key Controller (Analog Factory Experience.) My issue is that some of the keys (C1 in particular) will only sound if pressed near the middle with considerable pressure. Has anyone else dealt with this problem with their instruments? The keyboard is in great condition otherwise. Thanks for any help / advice out there.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 08:54:49 am by Mtron_75 »


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Re: Keys Issue: Analog Factory Experience: 32 Note Controller
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2016, 08:34:43 am »
I'm going to go ahead and reply to myself as I found a cheap fix for the key issues I was having. I wasn't having any problems with the black keys making contact with the key bed, just some of the white keys. When I opened the keyboard up ( it's used so the warranty is long over) I noticed that on one of the black keys there was some tape-like material to help the key make contact. I had some spare pieces of velcro back (use the plastic side, not the fuzzy ones) and cut strips 1/2 inch by 1/4 inch. I tested one on the middle C key (the worst culprit) and it worked! I decided to go ahead and cut enough pieces for all of the white keys to avoid any future problems. I used a small amount of super glue (Gorilla Brand works great for this) to assure that the velcro bits will stay stuck down. So far so good and everything seems to be working well. I know this repair job sounds a bit home brewed but I simply couldn't afford to take it to a tech. Having worked on analog keyboards in the past I figured it was worth a shot. I hope this helps anyone else that may be suffering from mechanical issues (not electronic) with their Arturia keyboards.


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