I have noticed also, that I can not import any of the Brendan Perry Presets !

All 5 .obsp files are Kind: Unix Executable File ?

OS X 10.6.8
Noticed also, all .obsp files in Preset Library/Factory folder are Kind: Unix Executable File ?


Hope this is fixed soon !

Merry Christmas !

Otherwise, sounding very nice !

Hmmmm ! 8~|
After expanding: obsemv_BrendanPerry.zip file with Stuffit Expander it created: BrendanPerry.obsx file which I was able to import into Oberheim SEM V.

With default archive utility in OS X 10.6.8 it expands and creates a Brendan Perry folder which contains the 5 .obsp patches ? ? ?

Either way, same behavior with these patches: BP_Caspian_SQ as 1st. patch if you try to select the 4 others they load but name of patch bounces back and remains as BP_Caspian_SQ ? ? ?