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Author Topic: Sequencer pot stopped working  (Read 4000 times)


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Sequencer pot stopped working
« on: February 10, 2015, 02:24:47 pm »
Wow one week on the board and more issues with arturia products  ::)  :-\
I decided to update firmware on my Origin Desktop to the latest firmware
After an hour update I was happy as few bugs were fixed but now I noticed that the
Pot no 8 on the sequencer section stopped working
It's not sending any information or working while turning so I'm not sure if the pot broke or
If the fw broke it in some way .
I read on the board ppl having many issues with pots / knobs so wondering what it is

Is there any way to send the cc for that pot to external midi device
For example beat step ?
I'm sure warranty expired so how would I go about fixing the issue
I'm in Australia so sending it to France would be a pain .
Studio Golgoth
live9.1 on iMac
M-Audio Fastrack Ultra 8R
Korg MS-20,Korg microX,Korg R3,Electribe2
Novation Xio25, Bass station II, access virus snow ti, Waldorf Blofeld,Elektron Analog Four,Dsi mopho
Akai MPX16, Akai Rhythm Wolf,APC40,M-Audio venom,Arturia Origin,MBrute SE,SparkLE,MOOG Minitaur


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Re: Sequencer pot stopped working
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2015, 02:24:55 pm »
Since Arturia were more than happy to help me out on this issue ...NOT

I Decided to try and fix it myself
I got a can of computer cleaning compressed air and sprayed it inside the encoder hole
I then proceed and used a tiny amount of force and a drop of WD40 into the hole
And what do you know now it works better than horse meat in a meat pie

Studio Golgoth
live9.1 on iMac
M-Audio Fastrack Ultra 8R
Korg MS-20,Korg microX,Korg R3,Electribe2
Novation Xio25, Bass station II, access virus snow ti, Waldorf Blofeld,Elektron Analog Four,Dsi mopho
Akai MPX16, Akai Rhythm Wolf,APC40,M-Audio venom,Arturia Origin,MBrute SE,SparkLE,MOOG Minitaur


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