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Author Topic: The Big Bugs And Issues!  (Read 19383 times)


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The Big Bugs And Issues!
« on: November 30, 2011, 12:57:42 am »
First of all:
I know that I'm not just too stupid to work with ARTURIA AE THE LABORATORY and I'm not the onlyone who experienced all this problems.

1. The MIDI Control Center doesn't work correctly.
2. The Setup-Mode on the hardwarekeyboard doesn't store the values for following sessions.
3. The Snap-Shot buttons don't function in VST-Mode.
4. The Snap-Shots just delet the Parameters 1 - 4 so that you can't even use them to store Snap-Shots.
5. The Category- and Preset-Encoder don't work correctly in VST-Mode (Sometimes they don't even work in Stand-Alone-Mode)
6. The Modulation-Wheel don't function sometimes.
7. The Sequencer-Buttons don't work with Samplitude 11 and many other DAWs.

And there are several other bugs I'm not even able to discribe fully.

For example:
When I rotate the Category- or Preset-Encoder the Setup- and Store-Button (Snap-Shot 9) light up. It seems like the keyboard is not really in Setup-Mode but it is kind of strange.

Install the Laboratory MIDI Control Center Update Version 1.0.1

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Win

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Mac

I started this thread because I thought it would be useful to have some example values to configure the MIDI-Settings. But then I experienced more and more problems while I was trying to work with ARTURIA AE THE LABORATORY. So I started this thread to say my opinion about ARTURIAs work.


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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2011, 04:14:12 pm »
Hi Manuel,

Thank you for your report. I work for Arturia and would be happy to help you solve this issues.

1: A hot fix of Laboratory MIDI Control Center should be available today. Among other things, this version doesn't perturb the knob mode setting
2: if you wish to store settings done in setup mode permanently, you have to save the config into memory #0 (Setup->Store)
3: which host are you using ? These buttons should work also in VST mode
4: I am afraid I don't understand what you meant
5: Are you using Live ? We have a problem there (because Live makes aggressive control caching and "eats" extra message sent by our keyboard)
6: could be interesting to know if something special kills the mod wheel
7: we didn't provide explicit instructions for that matter. But these buttons can be programmed to send pretty much any kind of MIDI message, so I can hardly imagine a situation where nothing could be done

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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2011, 04:55:57 pm »
Okay, here some more bugs, that weren't mentioned yet:

1) When changing values on the controller in setup-mode, these new values are not always taken, although i'm using the correct routine (pressing preset-push, pressing "store" and pressing preset-push twice again)

2) When reopening a project in cubase 4 the settings have changed (and not just the volume)

3.) Sometimes the Software freezes and crashes, when skipping sounds (with the mouse, because category and preset just work when they want to)

4) I haven't checked the snapshot- functions, so i can't say anything 'bout that. I have tried the midi-center and that was a big mistake, as we know now.

5) I have had problems controlling cubase with the sequencer buttons, so i stopped using them in cubase. after changing the midi-controller-numbers i am able to use them in reason.

That's it for the moment. I'm sure i forgot some things, but maybe i come back for an edit of this post.
Analog Laboratory, Reason 7, Cubase 4
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Category- and Preset-Knobs
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2011, 11:08:52 pm »
1. Category and Preset knobs aren't working right.

When the "Category" or "Preste" knobs are turned in Stand-Alone-Mode the "Setup" and "Store" buttons will light up when set in Realativ-Control-Mode. (Even if the keyboard is not really in "Setup-Mode") In this case they both react like they should.

In Control-Mode they both move only once forward and once backwards.

When the "Category" or "Preste" knobs are turned in VST-Mode they bothe move only in one direction, no matter in which direction they are turned, when they are set to Control-Mode.

If they are set in Relativ-Control-Mode they both move again only once forward and once backwards.

ModeStand AloneVst
ControlBoth move only once forward and once backwards.Bothe move only in one direction.
Relativ ControllThe "Setup" and "Store" buttons light up. Both knobs are working as planed.Both move only once forward and once backwards.

Install the Laboratory MIDI Control Center Update Version 1.0.1

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Win

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Mac


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Split Point Position
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2011, 11:36:28 pm »
2. Splitpoint is not shown at the correct position.

The splitpoint is allways one octave lower then shown in the preferences or set. The real key-note is maybe C3 but the splitpoint is set to C4.

So in revers, if you set the splitpoint on C3, it's shown at C2 and the real key-note is C2.
At startup (When I open any Software instance) the splitpoint is shown on C#1, set to C4 but the real key-note is on C3.


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Keyboard Setup
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 12:27:32 am »
4. Setup is not working right

The Setup via keyboard as well as the Setup with The Laboratory MIDI Control Center has bugs.

The Laboratory MIDI Control Center should work after the update.

Important: Always restart your keyboard controller after closing the MCC or storing settings in SETUP mode!

Install the Laboratory MIDI Control Center Update Version 1.0.1

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Win

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Mac


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The Laboratory MIDI Control Center
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2011, 12:34:22 am »
5. MCC is sending wrong values.

MIDI Control Center sends wrong informations to the keyboard.

Read about The Big Bugs And Issues!

The MCC update is already available. Seems like the MCC is dowing good now.

Install the Laboratory MIDI Control Center Update Version 1.0.1

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Win

Laboratory MIDI Control Center 1.0.1 Mac


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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2011, 02:19:57 am »

First check this new topic: Keyboard dead after MCC update!!!


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Re: Category- and Preset-Knobs
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2011, 06:42:06 pm »
1. Category and Preset knobs aren't working right.

When I turn on my AE the Laboratory, the keyboards setup and store #9 buttons light up. When I hit the setup button the keyboard then switches to setup mode. The setup button still lights up and now mode button #1 lights up. I hit the setup button a second time to end the setup mode.

Sometimes the category and the preset knobs still don't manage to navigate through the library. They move only in one direction till you reach the bottom or top of a list and then they move in the opposite direction.

In setup mode the category button dosn't work to scroll through the setup menu.

MIDI Control Center


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Re: Split Point Position
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2011, 06:49:19 pm »
2. Splitpoint is not shown at the correct position.

The splitpoint is allways one octave lower then shown in the preferences or set. The real key-note is maybe C3 but the splitpoint is set to C4.

So in revers, if you set the splitpoint on C3, it's shown at C2 and the real key-note is C2.
At startup (When I open any Software instance) the splitpoint is shown on C#1, set to C4 but the real key-note is on C3.

Nothing changed! The same still happens after the MCC update.


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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2011, 10:14:17 am »
Hello Arturia,

is there an update in development?



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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2012, 02:56:29 pm »
Hello Arturia,

is there an update in development?

Hey Bernd,

Yes an update is already in development but no one knows when it will be released. They'll send an E-Mail to all registered users as soon as the Laboratory-update is available.
I'm going to post it here as soon as I get more information.
In the meantime have a look at the Solutions!

Best regards



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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2012, 09:50:57 pm »
SETUP mode is faulty!

When I use these settings

Category Adjust    Control
Category SelectControl Toggle
Preset AdjustControl
Preste SelectControl Toggle
Snapshot 1 - 10Control Toggle

to control other plugins (f.e. Oberheim SEM V), this is causing conflicts with the SETUP mode. I would have to recall another configuration with these settings

Category Adjust    Relative Control
Category SelectControl
Preset AdjustRelative Control
Preste SelectControl
Snapshot 1 - 10Control

before I can start to change the values for other controls. That means I have to change the values for these sections again and again.

A simple but working solution would be to update the firmware, so that the SETUP mode automatically changes these values temporarily to the standard configuration (Chart 2).

I know the SETUP Mode is working fine, if I push any other SETUP Button (i.e. 2/Chan; 3/Num etc.) but it's still a firmware bug!


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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2012, 05:12:16 am »
Hi, Can't seem to find a solution for this problem but maybe you have an idea. #1 The drum pads on the keyboards didn't sync up with scene modes, they weren't working when engaged, I had to manually engage drums pads in software with mouse to hear them. So, I went into the Laboratory MIDI control and finally sync'd the PADS and they worked! However,  After syncing drum pads, all control buttons and level button quit working, meaning their parameters changed: Level and Controls work only between the values 61-67, on keyboards, trading a small problem for a huge problem. So I followed the instructions from the solutions page (Problems with the MIDI settings?) and it didn't work, when I hit default values in the MCC, then send to keyboard , the message on the keyboard display is
DrumPad4 (note)
Mode: Midi Note
Like the default setting is Drumpad4. Following the rest of the instructions didn't work. Am I missing something?

Thanks Dave M

kim olesen

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Re: The Big Bugs And Issues!
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2012, 04:02:24 pm »
Re: the hardware: Selling such a piece of .... Is really not ok. Full of bugs that should NOT be in hardware. As i've said in another thread i'm returning mine. I have no hopes whatever that it will ever work. And i can see that is selling b stock now. Which means that people are returning their units.

As for the software. The lab software breaks things in the v collection plugins. AND downgrades them to previous versions. Fortunately i'm very happy with the v collection v2 and when i've deinstalled everything from arturia i can reinstall the v collection and be happy with those.

Really for all the trouble we buyers of the analog lab keyboards go through they should offer us a free virtual instrument as compensation. Instead of luring new buyers in the trap with their recent promotion. And yes i mean that dead serious.


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