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Author Topic: Selecting bar to display when editing notes  (Read 2317 times)


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Selecting bar to display when editing notes
« on: November 09, 2011, 03:29:40 pm »
Here's a feature that I would love to use with Spark:

If I create a two-bar loop, when I press play the step sequencer notes I have triggered are displaying in first bar as it cycles through, and then the notes triggered in the second bar as it cycles through-obviously notes displayed would correspond to what note is selected.

So let's say I have a snare on the 5 and the 13 of both bar 1 and 2, and if I wanted to, let's say add a note in the second bar when the first bar is playing, I have to wait for the machine to cycle through to that bar.  That makes sense, but maybe I want to strictly edit the first bar and have only the first bar displayed??
This a feature you can find on most drum machines, but is curiously absent here or maybe I'm missing something.
Am I making myself clear?

Sean W

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Re: Selecting bar to display when editing notes
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 04:09:42 pm »
That feature is available.

In the Preferences, it is the "Follow current step" option, which is on by default.
If you turn it off, the step sequencer display will stay on 16 steps, and you can change which 16 steps are displayed ("Current Steps") using the << or >> buttons.
You can also toggle the "Follow current step" option from the hardware controller by pressing the << and >> buttons simultaneously.


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Re: Selecting bar to display when editing notes
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 09:39:22 pm »
Thank you Sean.
Loving this thing more and more every day.


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