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Author Topic: Exporting and Importing presets  (Read 4729 times)


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Exporting and Importing presets
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:02:11 am »
Hi there!

I'm using CS80v with Ableton Live 8.

I'm trying to save a preset (Export>Preset>myPreset.ays) from a live project,

and then load that saved preset into another Live project,

but I can't found the loaded preset in the default list of cs80v...

Which is the best way to do this??
Many thanks.


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Re: Exporting and Importing presets
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2011, 08:30:30 am »
If you save a preset in the CS80V, then it should be available in your CS80V without having to export and import it.

Use the "Save As" option (on the top left of the GUI) to save the preset as a new preset. You should create a new bank (and sub-bank) for your own presets and save it there. You'll want to name it as well. In any case, once you save your preset in the CS80 it will be available in the bank where you saved it.

So in your new Live project just close (unload) and reopen your CS80 and the preset should be available.


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