I ve just got analog laboratory and been going through some of the sounds and there are some great ones in there!
However there really are some sound types missing. alot of the sounds are the old sci fi style reminiscent of old education videos of the 70s and 80s. i totally understand why as this is all about the recreations of the old machines that were probably used back then. but i also know the sounds that can be made with the arturia v collection synths as i have demoed them. they are also capable of modern sounds found in up to date electronic music (supersaws, dubstep wobbles, proggy stabs ect.) which leads me to my next point/idear.
wouldn't it be cool if there were expansion packs available that were more genre specific or better still people who had the actual synths could make patches and post them here on the forum somewhere so people with analog laboratory could download them and play them and modify them.
I just think that something like this could really build a community and buzz around this product with the notion that "it doen't end there" which it sort of does at the moment.
Imagine there being 3rd party commercial sound packs, Arturia sound expansion packs available to buy from their site where they have enlisted famous sound designers and a users patches area with a scoring system and comments!
Think about it "The Dubstep EXPERIENCE patch bank" ,"The Trance EXPERIENCE patch bank" ,"The House EXPERIENCE patch bank" (you get the picture

Considering the analog experience uses the synth engines could this not be implemented building this package into a ever growing epicenter monster package?
Imagine a user library with the same long running success of NI Reaktor? and on a business level imagine a sound bank store with the same success as Nexus?
All this with the Arturia sound engine which is why we are all here right?