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Author Topic: Pro Tools 9.0.3 and others  (Read 2769 times)


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Pro Tools 9.0.3 and others
« on: June 09, 2011, 07:01:57 am »
Hi and thanks in advance for any help or light shed on this. I'm on a vertical learning curve at the moment being new to most of this stuff. We have a Mac Pro Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.26 ghz 6 gig ram 2 internal and 2 external HDA's running Pro Tools 9.0.3 with an Arturia 49, Origin, an a Yamah p-90 all running through a MOTU Express 128.

 Everything was mostly fine after we did the update from os 10.5 to 10.6.7, PT 8 to 9 and with added a pair of MOTU 2408's and a HDX-sdi. Most of the issues were known (well except for a few self induced ones.). Then we got the Spark and had more issues. With help we got them fixed and had the Spark laying down beats on the line. Yesterday I did the update to PT 9.0.3 to solve other issues, which it did, but.... now I have a new Spark issue.

The Spark rocks in stand alone with the software that came with it. In Pro Tools it will put out sound but twill not record a single tick or note to the line. Nothing else was changed. I reloaded the Spark 1.1.1 update, no joy. I re-updated the Spark itself, still no joy. If I open AMS and actually ad the spark as a midi instrument in Audio MIDI Setup I can get sound to record to an audio track but it totally jacks the midi both for the Spark and for any of the other MIDI devices.

Other than striping out the PT, AMS and Spark prefs, does anyone have a bone to throw this old dog. My forehead is starting to flatting from banging it against the desktop and the wall. I realize that It could be all self induced and hope it brings joy and round of laughter to all if it is. Either way I could sure use that bone.

thanks again,
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 09:45:20 am by papacriss »


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