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Author Topic: Previous dongle and arturia softwares download versions  (Read 7257 times)


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Previous dongle and arturia softwares download versions
« on: April 05, 2011, 03:31:04 pm »

I want to buy MiniMg V 2 and Mg Modular V 2.5 but there's a doubt I need to solve first... I have Cubase instaled in my pc studio computer, I barely use it but everytime I do, I need to connect the Steinberg dongle which came with the software. If I buy both Arturia softwares and install the elicenser in the computer, can I still use my Cubase dongle without problem, or it would be necessary to transfer the dongle license into the elicenser?
May I use elicenser and Steinberg dongle without any incompabilities or crashes?

Besides the studio computer, I have also a macbook pro with the same audio softwares instaled, I use it when I have to perform at stage. Is it possible to install the MiniMg and Mg Modular in both computers, mac laptop and pc, and run them?( I won't be using the 2 computers at same time) I'm a little bit worried about using a dongle in a live stage situation, firstly because I need all usb ports I can and secondly, I'm worried if a dongle at stage can use more resources of the machine or something like this, I don't know I'm not too informed about (never used a dongle at stage). Someone could help me, please?


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Re: Previous dongle and arturia softwares download versions
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 09:15:35 pm »
no problem. You will use the same dongle for Cubase and Arturia instruments, which is actually very handy. One dongle for various licenses.

You will probably need a powered USB hub. The dongle will work fine on the hub, but it is advisable to hook the audio interface directly to the laptop.

I believe the dongle will use as many CPU resources as any other idle USB thumb drive: zero.

Sean W

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Re: Previous dongle and arturia softwares download versions
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 04:38:59 pm »
The Steinberg Key is the same as the USB-eLicenser, so yes, the Arturia licenses can be stored on the Steinberg Key.

If you do not want to use the USB dongle when using your laptop live, you can transfer your Arturia licenses from the USB dongle to a Soft-eLicenser (virtual dongle on the system drive of your computer).  When needed, you can transfer the licenses back to the USB-eLicenser. An internet connection is required for the transfers.
(unlike iLok, there's no eLicenser fee to transfer a license)
But the license can only be stored in one place at any one time. (i.e. you cannot have the license on your laptop and desktop at the same time, this would require a second license)

More information regarding eLicenser and how to transfer licenses:


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Re: Previous dongle and arturia softwares download versions
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2011, 12:40:54 pm »
Great, all doubts solved then! I'm just going to buy them... Thanks!


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