I bought recently the V Collection, getting the Analog Lab in the bundle. I'm still waiting for the box to arrive, so I'm browsing the forums for known issues that escaped me while checking the demos.
I've sent a while now (during demo testing) an email asking about some issues I found on Analog Lab (and got no response to those, btw).
It'll be easier to quote from the mail, the issues I've encountered:
I've downloaded all the demo versions of what I expect to buy and I've been testing/checking them out to see if it'll do what I'm looking for.
I've noticed a strange issue with Analog Laboratory 1.1 VST:
1) *All* the patches are detuned more than 1 semi-tone when compared with any other hardware synth or VST, including all the other Arturia VST's when used alone (not through Analog Lab).
At first, I even thought it was the Mg Modular V based patch I was testing "SPLIF-PAD" but then I tried many others based on other instruments and all have the same detuning.
Even A440 is detuned when compared with non-AnalogLab instrument's A440.
I checked the AnalogLab global Tune setting, it's in "General Tune: Tuned".
I was using Ableton Live 8 as the VST host and as I said, AnalogLab was the only VST detuned when compared with my hardware synths and all the other VSTs I tried to load and compare, including all the V Collection VSTs (demos, of course).
Is this detuning on Analog Lab done on purpose because it's a demo ?!
2) Another problem I've noticed while using it with Ableton Live 8, it that, each time I close the Analog Lab VST GUI and open it again, the Scene tab always comes as the active tab, even if was using the Sound tab.
Are these known issues/bugs or the expected behavior? I hope not 
I even sent a 2nd email, adding this:
btw, just to add to what I said, I'm noticing the same detuning problem while using the standalone version of Analog Laboratory. This happens either with v.1.0 (the first I downloaded and installed when I requested the Demo) and with v.1.1 (I tried the update to see if that problem was solved, but it wasn't).
Also, Analog Laboratory V.1.1 can't open Jupiter-8V, but V.1.0 could open it without a problem. V.1.1 reports an error where it says Jupiter-8V need to be updated, but I'm using the latest available version on the website.
All these are running with the Demo Activation codes, or course.
Sorry to bother you with these issues, but I want to be sure I won't be having these problems after buying the V Collection bundle.
Speaking of Analog Lab's General Tune setting, after sending this email, I tried to detuning it in a way to at least allow me to play it "tuned" with all the other hardware/soft synths, even though I needed more than a semi-tone (re)tuning.
To my surprise, I realized that nothing happened while changing the General Tune setting.
Well, since these tests, the demos expired, I simply uninstalled all the demo VSTs and, like I said, I'm now waiting for the box to arrive.
I'm hoping that this issue is gone after I install everything "from scratch" but, still, I wanted to know if anyone ever got anything like this issue with any of Arturia's VSTs ?
I didn't want to enter a technical report before checking with other users first, but I will, if this continues to happen after reinstall of the full (non-demo) versions.
EDIT: Just saw the feedback about the "Analog Laboratory V.1.1 can't open Jupiter-8V" issue, here:
Hi All !
Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience but,
we detected a bug that may occur with Jupiter8V2 and Analog Laboratory.
Analog Laboratory used to crash in some cases related to a Jupiter8V bug. We fixed this issue in the inner Jupiter8V of Analog Laboratory thus you can play Jupiter8V sounds but cannot open Jupiter8V2 with Analog Laboratory until Jupiter8V2 is updated.
We will put our maximum effort to provide a new version of Jupiter8V2 (2.0.1) that will solve this issue in the coming days.