Wanna record and edit MIDI-Automations in Ableton Live?
To be able to see and post-edit the recorded automations, you have to prepare another keyboard setup. Use two different MIDI-Channels for the Upper and Lower keys and turn off Split-Mode. I recommend using the MCC to set-up your configuration, because MIDI-Channel "ALL" (used for the MOD-Section) is not available in SetUp-Mode on the keyboard.
Set the CONTROLS', ENVELOPES' and Modulation-Wheels MIDI-Channels to
PANEL and the MOD sections MIDI-Channel to
ALL. The DRUMPADS-, SEARCH-, SNAPSHOTS- and SEQUENCER- sections can use there normal MIDI-Channel settings (General in the table).
Keyboard Section | MIDI-Channel |
Global Level | General |
Search | General |
Snapshots | General |
Sequencer | General |
Mod | All |
Controls | Panel |
Envelope | Panel |
Drumpads | General |
Modulation | Panel |
After storing this configuration to the keyboards memory you can open Ableton and use Abletons MIDI-Mapping-Feature to map all the CONTROLS and ENVELOPES manually.
Open the device-parameters for the Laboratory plugin and activate the "Configure" button, now switch to another preset in SCENE-Mode to see most of the available parameters of the plugin. Just add the Level encoder and the upper and lower Pitch- and Mod-Wheel as well and then map the WHEELS, CONTROLS and ENVELOPES to there associated keyboard controls.
Because the Pitch wheel is always assigned to the Upper MIDI-Channel, it can only be assigned to UPPER or LOWER pitch. But you can use the UPPER or LOWER Tempo-Fader to control the second Pitch bend.
Now you can post-edit all the recorded fades and twiddlings you make!
Because of useing the
ALL settings for the keyboard instead of predefined MIDI-Channels, you can still control the CONTROLS and ENVELOPES for the UPPER and the LOWER part of a SCENE and record everything.
Off course you can also use two configurations with two different predefined MIDI-Channels and switch between them on the fly.
That's pretty much the same and doesn't make much a difference, but you need two memory banks.
Note: Using the Upper/Lower buttons switches the MIDI-Channel for the Panel related controls, but not the shown controls on the screen. You have to use the mouse to change between Upper and Lower Controls view.
BTW: The mixer section is unfortunately not available for automation recording. I hope Arturia will improve this one day in a new version.