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Author Topic: Analog Experience - Factory - license on USB dongle  (Read 3946 times)


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Analog Experience - Factory - license on USB dongle
« on: September 29, 2010, 01:11:30 pm »
If I buy "Analog Experience - Factory" - can I put the included analog factory software license on my USB dongle where I have my other Arturia licenses?

Can I use any other keyboard to use the included analog factory software in the package or does it function as (additional) HW protection? I ask this because my old Emu X-Board worked as a dongle with the included Emu software and the software didn't work without having the Emu keyboard connected...!!!

Can I use the included keyboard stand alone as midi controller without having the included analog factory software and the license installed?

Does the included keyboards come with dedicated low latency midi drivers? Or is it just sloppy windows plug&play...?

Thanks in advance for any hints.

P.S. when will "Laboratory" ship?  :-X
Best regards, TiUser


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Re: Analog Experience - Factory - license on USB dongle
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 03:56:36 pm »
If I buy "Analog Experience - Factory" - can I put the included analog factory software license on my USB dongle where I have my other Arturia licenses?
Yes, and it is highly recommended!

Can I use any other keyboard to use the included analog factory software in the package or does it function as (additional) HW protection? I ask this because my old Emu X-Board worked as a dongle with the included Emu software and the software didn't work without having the Emu keyboard connected...!!!
You can use whatever keyboard of your choice, as the Experience keyboard doesn't act as copy protection.

Can I use the included keyboard stand alone as midi controller without having the included analog factory software and the license installed?
Yes, the Experience keyboard can drive any other MIDI instrument (being software or hardware) as well. I suggest you to install the MIDI Control Center though (shipped with the Analog Factory software).

Does the included keyboards come with dedicated low latency midi drivers? Or is it just sloppy windows plug&play...?
No, it relies on the operating system standard MIDI driver.

P.S. when will "Laboratory" ship?  :-X
Soon.  :)


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Re: Analog Experience - Factory - license on USB dongle
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2010, 01:10:04 pm »
...pity that there is no dedicated low latency midi driver.

What about using more than one keyboard? the factory and the laboratory simultaneously? Do I get clear midi port naming here?

When is "soon"...?  ;D  This year??
Best regards, TiUser


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