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Author Topic: How to delete (corrupted) presets in Mg Modular V? BUGGY Preset Managment  (Read 7975 times)


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Now I have nearly the same problem, I had already posted in the miniMg section:
is it possible to delete corrupted presets?

I know in MMV it is possible to delete prestes. But for doing this, you have to load them bevore you click on the delete-button.
Now, my problem is, the files are corrupted and everytime I try to load them (for erasing) MMV crashes. So it's not possible to get rid of them. Because of this, it is not possible to skip through the preset bank, because always when a corrupted file is reached... like I said: the whole thing crashes. Again and again. Argh!!!  >:(

Some suggestions for preset-organizing:

The organisation of presets could be a bit more comfortable.
So far I understand, and I don't find out another way until now:
with every imported single preset a complete new bank is created, with a subbank, just containig this single patch, which is a bit anoying.
So, when I try to import a single preset, it would be very usefull, when you could select in what bank or subbank the preset should be imported.

Or "drag an drop" for organizing patches:
Just drag a preset or subbank and drop it into the bank you wish to have it.

Why not just right clicking on the preset and a submenu appears, were you can select  deleting the patch. With this way you could avoid loading a corrupted preset, which causes a program crash.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 11:43:18 am by HerrFrey »


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Re: How to delete (corrupted) presets in Mg Modular V?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 11:12:27 pm »
I agree that the preset handling is not perfect. But what synthesizer has a perfect preset handling?

Custom presets are stored at Program Data\Arturia\Mg Modular V2\save. The NomPreset can be opened with a text editor. Here you can delete those presets you don't want anymore.


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Re: How to delete (corrupted) presets in Mg Modular V?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2010, 03:08:49 am »
Thank you, this helped me a little to understand, were the presets are saved.


whats more important:
In MMV the preset managment and organizing is a bit circumstancial - okay, I can live with it. But unfortunately the preset management seems quite buggy too. This has to be programmed better.

When I delete corrupted presets in the way Phil999 explained above, many other presets are not listed anymore (minimmog V) or, like in MMV, preset folders with my name are doubled. For example "MyPresetbank0" is listed, but a second folder appears in the menue, named "MyPresetbank0" too, whitch contains all presets of T._Perlman but NOT my presets.  ???
THen, after deleting the doubled "MyPresetbank0", the Perlman-folder apperas doubled... it's a bit difficult for me to explain, but obviously it is a bug in organizing/saving presets.

Another bug is: saving a preset in "MyPresetbank0" works, but when I try to load another preset, the MMV GUI appears totaly blank. No sound.
After closing MMV and loading again, the folder "MyPresetbank0" is double listed again, containing T._Perlman presets an again. ARGH!!!

It's very annoying that such a great sounding instrument has these bugs. Especially when you created interesstring presets, and they are lost in strange folders, this makes not fun to work with.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 11:50:06 am by HerrFrey »


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I agree, it tends to get messy very easily. I remember deleting several times the entire contents of the save folder, and import my personal bank.

But again, I find that saving and managing presets and banks is often difficult, not only with MMV.


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Perhaps I misunderstand you. If you mean preset managing in other arturia synths is difficult too: yes, I have to agree with you. :)

I deleted the old MMV preset folder in "Program Data\Arturia\Mg Modular V2\save" and reinstalled the software. I helps, but it sucks.  ;)

I hope Arturia will improved this in future updates. In all other aspects (sound and handling) I love their software.


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Re: How to delete (corrupted) presets in Mg Modular V?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 06:03:40 pm »
Custom presets are stored at Program Data\Arturia\Mg Modular V2\save. The NomPreset can be opened with a text editor. Here you can delete those presets you don't want anymore.
Ah, thanks for this tip.

I'm starting to have duplicate preset "branches"on some of the instruments. I hope this allows me to fix them, although it would be nice that this could be address by Arturia as a needed bug still waiting to be fixed.


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I would not call this a bug, since there is no malfunction. One has to know how the preset management works, and do it that way. I agree that the preset management could be improved, e.g. with options to delete single presets or banks.


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