Hi, all,
I am Günther, a new user of the Mg Modular V. Antoine, who has been very helpful, suggested that I join the forum.
I'm an old geezer who was privileged to have the use of a hardware Mg for about five weeks in 1972 (and similar synths for a couple of days every once in a while since then). It was a job, following an electronic music course I had done, learning sound synthesis on an ARP 2600. After trying the demo of the modular V for a day, I
knew I wanted one. It's so similar to the Hardware, it took me almost no time to learn patching my own sounds... but I am a complete MIDI virgin.
I am using it in Logic Studio 8 on my Mac, and it works really well for me as an AU Software Instrument. But how can I use it to process external sounds in another track?
1) I have a drum loop in a track, and I inserted the Mg as an AU effect, as explained in the manual for Cubase and VST.
2) I opened the Mg in the effect plug-in qindow, and to begin with, for testing, I patched the "ext left" signal straight into the left output channel. The indicator lamp next to the "ext left" socket seems to show that the Mg actually receives the signal.
3) I created an external MIDI track, as suggested by the manual, to send MIDI via my M-Audio Keystation 61es to the Mg...
...and here I am completely stuck. The name of the MIDI track is "GM Device". I have never used MIDI tracks in my life, only audio and software instruments, and the Logic manual is not for MIDI illiterates like myself.
Can anybody enlighten me, please, with step by step instructions (and make it suitable for dummies

And thanks, Antoine, for showing me the "hold note" feature of the output VCA.
This is very fast becoming my favourite software instrument! Using it feels like time travel, back to when living was more care-free and less complicated... and a liter of petrol cost the equivalent of perhaps 20 cent...