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Author Topic: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals  (Read 20384 times)


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Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« on: June 09, 2010, 03:18:31 pm »
Hi, all,

I am Günther, a new user of the Mg Modular V. Antoine, who has been very helpful, suggested that I join the forum.

I'm an old geezer who was privileged to have the use of a hardware Mg for about five weeks in 1972 (and similar synths for a couple of days every once in a while since then). It was a job, following an electronic music course I had done, learning sound synthesis on an ARP 2600. After trying the demo of the modular V for a day, I knew I wanted one. It's so similar to the Hardware, it took me almost no time to learn patching my own sounds... but I am a complete MIDI virgin.

I am using it in Logic Studio 8 on my Mac, and it works really well for me as an AU Software Instrument. But how can I use it to process external sounds in another track?

1) I have a drum loop in a track, and I inserted the Mg as an AU effect, as explained in the manual for Cubase and VST.
2) I opened the Mg in the effect plug-in qindow, and to begin with, for testing, I patched the "ext left" signal straight into the left output channel. The indicator lamp next to the "ext left" socket seems to show that the Mg actually receives the signal.
3) I created an external MIDI track, as suggested by the manual, to send MIDI via my M-Audio Keystation 61es to the Mg...

...and here I am completely stuck. The name of the MIDI track is "GM Device". I have never used MIDI tracks in my life, only audio and software instruments, and the Logic manual is not for MIDI illiterates like myself.

Can anybody enlighten me, please, with step by step instructions (and make it suitable for dummies  ;) )

And thanks, Antoine, for showing me the "hold note" feature of the output VCA.
This is very fast becoming my favourite software instrument! Using it feels like time travel, back to when living was more care-free and less complicated... and a liter of petrol cost the equivalent of perhaps 20 cent...
(if music be the food of love - then go ahead and stuff your face)


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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2010, 09:42:21 am »
Yo Feenix,

  • Create an Audio track, where you load your drum loop
  • In the "Inserts" field, instantiate the Mg Modular V 2 FX
  • Load any preset, for instance All > 2.0_modules > Phazer
  • Connect the "ext left" to the Filter 1 "in"
  • Raise the VCA1 Release to the maximum ("Note Hold")
  • Press a key on the virtual keyboard to trig the VCA
  • Play your drum loop and listen it going through your favorite modular monster

Note that under Logic there seems to be a little and funny trick: a key must be pressed to allow the signal to go from the virtual instrument to the virtual effect.


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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2010, 12:34:00 pm »
thanks a lot, Antoine!!

It's working, after a fashion, in combination with "Note Hold" on the output VCAs. I'm listening to a cool looped 8-bar rhythm track as I am typing this.

There is no need to hold down a key. As a matter  of fact, the Mg running as an insert effect does not listen to my keyboard controller at all. I guess that's where creating a MIDI track is important. I'll probably need to contact a local MIDI Guru to show me how to send MIDI to an insert - but for now, it works as a simple effects unit with a fixed setting. I just need to start it after I open the file by clicking on the virtual keyboard.

It even works with with software instruments instead of Audio.

thanks again!
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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2010, 09:36:26 pm »
one can set the VCA envelopes to 'keyboard trigger off', and the signal should run through. But what is 'note hold'?

I agree that the Arturia Mg Modular V is easy to handle. I never touched a real Mg, but I own a Formant modular system that is similar. I could start patching the MMV right from the befinning, like in hardware.


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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 08:54:49 pm »
one can set the VCA envelopes to 'keyboard trigger off', and the signal should run through. But what is 'note hold'?

I agree that the Arturia Mg Modular V is easy to handle. I never touched a real Mg, but I own a Formant modular system that is similar. I could start patching the MMV right from the befinning, like in hardware.

with "trigger off", nothing passes through the amp.
"Note Hold" is the Release time turned up as far as it goes. You'll still need to send a trigger to start the note, which will then play forever. I use it to compose installations of indeterminate ambient music. Each preset is a complete composition - press a key to start it...

The Formant is a very cool synth, indeed! I've known some people who had built their own. The detailed plans were published in an electronics magazine. There was also the Digisound 80, which was similar to the Mg, also usually home made.
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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 08:04:06 am »
yes it's a nice little system - and most important of it all, it still works. I did not build it myself, I bought two ready-made wooden cabinets filled with modules.

I don't know Logic enough, but with Cubase the signal goes through the VCA with 'keyboard trigger off'. No MIDI input or trigger needed. I forgot to mention that the sustain level must be at max. The release level of course has no influence, but we all know that Mg has ADRS envelopes, not ADSR like other synthesizers. I assume you guys mean 'note hold' = sustain max, not release max.

I use it to compose installations of indeterminate ambient music. Each preset is a complete composition - press a key to start it...

that sounds interesting. But I assume these are 'normal' synthesizer patches, not insert effects. Here, max release may be needed.

I use the MMV very rarely for external audio processing, so I'm not an expert here. Is your problem solved by now? I admit I'm a bit confused.


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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 02:09:40 pm »
The release level of course has no influence, but we all know that Mg has ADRS envelopes, not ADSR like other synthesizers. I assume you guys mean 'note hold' = sustain max, not release max.

I mean release max - try it, and you'll see for yourself, crank it up until the help text says "Note Hold". BTW, the envelopes on the Mg are the same as on other synths - it's just that the order of those two knobs is reversed. - oh, and release is time, not level.

that sounds interesting. But I assume these are 'normal' synthesizer patches, not insert effects. Here, max release may be needed.
that's correct - ordinary AU or VST instrument patches that compose music forever once you hit a key.

I use the MMV very rarely for external audio processing, so I'm not an expert here. Is your problem solved by now? I admit I'm a bit confused.
not entirely solved, I still cannot send MIDI to it running as an insert effect (but I can when it is running as an instrument), but as it turns out, I can do quite a lot without MIDI control... and I'm going to ask a Logic Guru I know...
(if music be the food of love - then go ahead and stuff your face)


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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 06:00:37 am »
you are right, of course it's release time, not level. And indeed, max release time is 'note hold'. I did not know that, I never use the mouse for envelopes. It's always a pleasure to find out new things about a software that one knows for years.

But I also found a bug. I have two 'external input' patches. One with the filter bank, and one with the resonance filter bank. If I re-wire the first patch to a VCF (and switch off the filter bank), no signal goes throuch the VCA. If I do the same with the second patch, it works. The envelope settings are the same.

That explains why 'key trigger off' did not work for you. But when you start from scratch with a complete blank 'patch', it should work.

Sending MIDI data to an insert effect in Logic is probably done in the controller setup.


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Help needed, using my Mg Modular v2 Efx
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2012, 10:10:35 pm »
Yo Feenix,

  • Create an Audio track, where you load your drum loop
  • In the "Inserts" field, instantiate the Mg Modular V 2 FX
  • Load any preset, for instance All > 2.0_modules > Phazer
  • Connect the "ext left" to the Filter 1 "in"
  • Raise the VCA1 Release to the maximum ("Note Hold")
  • Press a key on the virtual keyboard to trig the VCA
  • Play your drum loop and listen it going through your favorite modular monster

Note that under Logic there seems to be a little and funny trick: a key must be pressed to allow the signal to go from the virtual instrument to the virtual effect.

 Helo. My name is Cosmin, I am allmost new user with synths and i was searchig for the same thing like Günther here, i belive. I read all topics but didn't get able to emulate an particular sample like a voice with Mg modular efx for instance.
 Using Live 8.2.7 on windows 7  i load the voice sample in an audio track, on the same track the Mg Modular V Efx plugin. Loaded some presets, jungle around but no signal after the plugin.Tryed what was explained here but didn't figer it out.I'll be at least grateful if u explain me step by step how to manage with Mg Modular Fx.


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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2015, 03:46:16 pm »
Hi, everyone!

I've been looking for a way to use MMV2 as an effect unit in Ableton 9 for quite some time. Today I spent a few hours googling and searching forums included this one. It seems I finally pieced together how to make it work. The key was step 3. and it was mentioned in this topic earlier.
1. put Modular V2 Efx on your track with the sound source ( it can be a midi track with a synth or sampler, or an audio track with a loop )
2. select or create an init preset in Modular V2 Efx
3. on the trigger input of the main VCA1 ( and/or VCA2 ) select keyboard trigger off  - without this step you won't hear anything, and the envelope follower won't work either
4. connect the ext. left and/or ext. right to a filter, Bode shifter, ring modulator, etc., and finally to the main VCA of course
Now you should hear the sound and be able to manipulate it.
5. connect the ext. left to the envelope follower "in", adjust the treshold, and select env. follower as trigger input for one of the envelopes, if you want to use the audio input to trigger envelopes. For example to make the sound shorter, snappier, or use it on modulations.


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Re: Help needed, using my Mg to process external signals
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2016, 03:08:55 pm »
Hey Guys,

     This info was immensely helpful as I tried to run some drum tracks through the Moog Modular [V.2.8]   

      I thought I would create a video demonstrating how I got it to work.     But I couldn't have figured it out without you guys!    Uber thanks! 

« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 03:16:58 pm by pete.buchwald »


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