Hi 1337 ninja,
bug n°1: You just noticed our worst bug!

Clicks happen when you reach the CPU limit on heavy patches (often in multi), so Origin is forced to "kill" some voices to be able to render new ones. At the moment, this "kill" produces a click. In future versions, we plan to correct this and eliminate the click. However, there will always be voice stealing at some moment. BTW: this problem is already profusely discussed in other threads in these forums.
bug n°2: the refresh rate of the joystick graphic in the GUI is slow... We can try to improve that but don't expect miracles!
bug n°3: on the 1.1 version some leds can light up randomly with time, however this does not affect sound or stability. This issue is fixed in the upcoming 1.2 version. This was also discussed in another thread.