1.1.59 crashed in Multi Area 51
Support fixed it, but can not promise a bugfix in next FW-Updates. That helps a lot.
It is really a pitty. The 2-3 persons caring about our issues are overloaded and are blocked by the companies policy.
Every potential buyer, should consider, if he would be happy with the origin as it is. The policy and customer care is weak at Arturias side.
There are some more minor bugs:
- volumen is zero while turning on. you are forced to move the main volumen knob, whatever it is the position while turning on.
- input indicator lights are lit sometimes - even if there is no cable at the input.
Don't get me wrong: The Origin is a powerful synth and sounds amazing, but it is not understandable, why all these minor bugs are still there - after long time of development and almost 2 years of market presence.