I just tried it again. When you request to download a Prophet V demo from the Arturia website, it takes you to a link, and there is a generated authorization number for you to use. Using that auth, I was able to get a second eLicense auth for another 21 days (which I do not think is supposed to happen) and the authorization is for V2 as evidenced by this new info:
- Prophet V2
|-- Expiration date 06.01.2010 (Starts 30/30)
|-- Application -Instances: 0 of max. Unlimited
Obviously, Arturia is providing an auth number for V2 but providing the Prophet V1 file for download. You do want to sell products don't you?
By the way, uninstalling the Prophet V demo screws up my valid Mood Modular V2.5 install. Is anybody from Arturia there? Hello?