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Author Topic: SX hicups  (Read 5332 times)


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SX hicups
« on: January 27, 2004, 09:29:27 pm »
I have never had any problems with any of the VSTi's that I use. And I use plenty. I use Cubase SX in studio and on stage too. The stand alone version of the MMV works fine but I don't want to dedicate an entire computer to just the MMV.
When running in SX MMV hiccups as if it is pulling far to much CPU (yes, even just running it alone with no effects, sends, etc. Just flat out running the unadulterated plug-in) and sometimes the CPU monitor will shoot up to 100% and lock everything up.
I'm running a PC 1.8gig Pentium IV 500RAM on totally dedicated systems.
Let me reidify just one last time - I run several soft-synths, most of the time running several instances at a time with absolutely NO problem. My systems are tweaked for optimum performance.

But ONE instance of the MMV without ANYTHING else running is causing a problem in SX

Is this a common problem with the MMV?

This is making studio work very difficult and live work with it is obviously - impossible.

Thank you.


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« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2004, 02:40:14 am »
CPU spikes for me also running a celeron 1.7ghz,Arturia needs to try to fix this ASAP,cause I can't use what I bought.


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temperary work around
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2004, 05:25:40 am »
O.k. I have Aardvark audio cards on studio and stage computers. They have a turbo ASIO mode. I usually run at a latency of 5 milliseconds with absolutely NO problems as stated above.
An avarage hardware keyboard runs at about 10 milliseconds.
I can avoid the hiccups with a latency of 18 milliseconds (which makes the plug-in nearly useless! But if I click my turbo mode at this setting it brings it down to 10 milliseconds. I personally feel it because now I have to get used to a different timing after using a smaller latency rate for so many years.
I don't know what people without a turbo mode do. But I have been having a problem locking into the 'groove' of a greater lantecy rate. Personal... I know. BUT no other soft-syths have caused this problem!

As far as the CPU hitting the 100% lock-ups are concerned...
I have found that waiting several seconds after changing patches is needed because the MMV takes that long to fully change patches.

BUT ANOTHER problem I have found is that, even after the wait... the CPU meter goes to at least 40-50% or more and does NOT regress UNTIL you press a key on your keyboard. This sometimes causes a problem with any other VSTi's that are running in tandem with the MMV....
once again causing an unnecessary CPU spike at that time.

So, yes, using the MMV has become usable, but Arturia STILL needs to fix the problem and this STILL makes the MMV unusable during live performances if used with any other soft-synth. And though I am a professional musician I still find spending another $2000.00 on another computer dedicated to the MMV unreasonable and unnecessary.


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No Problems Mate
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2004, 07:58:23 pm »
I am running SX 2 with the MMV as a vst, and I am not experiencing anything like what was described in the original post. I use send and insert effects with the MMV, and it has performed quite well since the 1.1 update. I have a P4 2.4 GHz, 2 GB memory, Tascam US-428, MidiSport 8x8/s. I should note that I do not use polyphony on the MMV.


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SX hicups
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2005, 03:28:35 pm »
Yes, I have the same problem.  I will be running MMV2 on Chainer and all of a sudden I lose all sound for a brief moment.  It usually happens when I am holding down a key for a lenghty amount of time, maybe running the sequencer.  It will happen even if the preset is using only a little CPU. This doesn't happen with any other VST. It never happens when MMV2 is run standalone. I do a lot of live performance, and this is annoying.


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