Some news about the 1.1 update.
We plan to send a pre-version to our beta-testers at the end of this week or next week.
This version contains nearly all the features that were planned for the V1.1, but with some remaining and known bugs. So this is more a pre-beta version.
Some of the readers of this forum may be interested in knowing why we are so late. Here are some of the reasons.
When we started the work on the 1.1 we decided to redesign a part of the UI software of the machine so that we could develop many templates (CS80, ARP2600, Jupiter8...) while reusing as much code as possible. We made an estimation of the time needed which was wrong. It took us nearly 3 times more than was anticipated. The work on this particular aspect is finished since about 2 months.
Then we started to work on the MIDI automation and found 2 major problems resulting in very poor real-time behavior of the machine.
1- Incoming MIDI messages were affected by an important latency and jitter, so were outcoming messages.
2- Some computation made along with the automation process on the UI processor were cpu killers.
We spent last 2 months solving these 2 kinds of problem. This is now done (well, 95% is done, remaining 5% are part of the known bugs of the pre-version that will be sent in the coming days).
Before releasing a public version we have to continue internal tests, wait for the bugs reported by external and internal testers, fix everything and run a final exhaustive test. That will likely keeps us busy for some weeks.