Wow! I'm so happy with your reactions! Thank you!
Actually I was thinking of re-installing my CS-80 first (which is the one I have with the lowest number of personal sounds).
I looked in the 'old' Mg Modular V1.1 but I have no acces to the files on de CD-Rom. Only this VST and the Jupiter8V are still running without problems. The 4 others I can not use!
I think a Windows-update last week kicked out this .dll out of my c:Windows/System folder. Could that be possible?
If I can re-install my 4 Arturia VST's (MMV2, MiniMg, ARP2600, CS80) without loosing my sounds I would do it, but I am hesitating! (I once lost all my sounds on the MiniMgV by udating my version! With the MMV that was no problem, so... I'm a little bit prudent!)
So, perhaps I will accept your offer to send me the file. Can I wait some more days before we do that?