February 09, 2025, 09:07:49 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Logic Pro crashes when trying to open any projects that have AF in them???  (Read 3414 times)


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Someone posted a similar topic about this problem a few months ago, however know one seems to know why....

 I can open up and play AF in Logic Pro 8 on my new Mac Pro absolutely fine....However when I close that project and try to open it Logic crashes! In the little blue AF window that appears while the project is loading, it reads at the bottom "Authorization Terminated". However the Synchosoft License Centre recognises the license on my USB dongle and all seems fine. Standalone mode it works fine, same as in Logic.

Simply put.... the problem is that Logic crashes every time I try to open a project that features AF in it.

Someone please help. It would be much appreciated.


  • Apprentice
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    • PBR Recordings
Same issue here and I just got it today.. Little annoyed at this.. I wonder how long its gonna take for an update.. Not happy!  >:(


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