January 24, 2025, 09:44:21 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Ignition Pack Analog Factory won't output in PT LE; records but no sound.  (Read 3285 times)


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  First let me embellish how much I enjoy messing with Analog Factory that came in the Pro Tools Ignition Pack bundle with my MBox2 mini.  It's rad.  End embellishments.   
  Now I ask: 
  Is Ignition Pack Analog Factory actually Analog Factory SE or a slick demo?   
  I am unable to find an output in PT to get it to playback (it only finds my keyboard in predetermined output mode) and since the "save, import, export" options in Analog Factory are disengaged in this version, I'm wondering if Analog Factory is also my Pro Tools LE recording problem. 
  I would be more than happy to admit it's my own oversight as to why I can't record the Ignition Pack's Analog Factory into Pro Tools LE that came with my Mbox 2 mini.  Yet, if it is a matter Arturia or Digidesign or both camps forgetting to mention it's because it's just a demo, the awesome synths wouldn't sound as sweet the next time I get to into it.     
  Is it just a demo? 


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