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Author Topic: OSX reinstall messed up my authorisation! Help!  (Read 3728 times)


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OSX reinstall messed up my authorisation! Help!
« on: March 28, 2008, 08:22:55 pm »

I've already asked support for help on this but, after at least 3 days have passed and the only response so far has been an automated reply, I thought I might as well ask here and see if someone else can help....

Here's the situation:

I had to reinstall OSX (10.5 via archive and install) last weekend because of a problem with my new 8 core mac.  I bought and authorised AFE before I did the reinstall and now it won't work anymore because my "elicensor isn't valid" and I apparently "can't repair it" because I've exceeded my repair allowance (?! I have no idea what it means, I hadn't tried to repair it before).  Ironically out of all the software on my mac (including all the NI software which some readers may know is notoriously difficult to authorise - or used to be) the only piece of software that doesn't work after the reinstall is AFE.

Consequently AFE and the new controller are sitting in the corner of my studio unused and I am getting v frustrated.   I had rather hoped that someone from Arturia support might come to my rescue a bit faster, to be honest.

What is also very annoying (apart obviously from not being able to use the product) is that every time I load a plugin which has another authorisation on my dongle I get an error message for AFE, whether it's loaded as a plug in or not.  The sooner we get the ability to transfer the authorisation to a dongle the better (I have to wonder why authorisation wasn't straight onto the dongle like most Steinberg stuff is).

Obviously I can't post my serial number and all the other codes here, but if anyone from Arturia can help faster than the support people (who I guess don't work weekends and hence it'll be a whole week between support request and response!) my tech support requests are 43785 and 43801 (sorry for two, but after I didn't get an automated reply for 2 days to the original one I sent an email directly and then got both automated replies together).  All the necessary codes are listed in those support requests.

I'd be really grateful for your help!

Many thanks



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OSX reinstall messed up my authorisation! Help!
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2008, 07:53:35 pm »

Thanks for your email, but I'm still having problems...

I emailed Tech support yesterday - any chance you could go back and have a look at case 43785 again?

Many thanks.

To summarise, this is what happens:

When I load Syncrosoft Licence Center, I get the following message:

"Syncrosoft License Control Center.  Necessary information for the validity of the Soft-eLicenser have been changed or corrupted.  This can be caused by using cleanup or backup tools or similar ones.  Soft-elicenser "Sel Nr. 76XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX" (I blanked out the numbers) and stored licenses have been disabled.  Hardware elicensers are not affected!  Please try to repair the Soft-Elicenser automatically if you have an internet connection and the vendor's permission." Then I have the option to cancel or repair.

If I select "repair" I get this message: "Syncrosoft Licence Control Center.  You are not allowed to repair your Soft-eLicenser anymore.  The number of repairs could have been exceeded" and gives me the only option - "OK"

So I click "OK" and I get the list of software licences in LCC.  All the ones on my dongle are ok - the ones under Sel No 76XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX are "Analog Factory 1.0" and "Trashcan".  Both are greyed out.

If I run the licence download wizard. like I mentioned above I enter the new authorisation code you sent me in your email but don't get past the "select target elicenser" page where the Sel No 76564etc. is greyed out.

Thanks in advance...


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