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Author Topic: How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!  (Read 6309 times)


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How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!
« on: January 11, 2008, 10:05:06 pm »
I'm tired with all these stupid protections!
I received my analog factory 2 box yesterday,and happy tonight to install it on my brand new macbook...but impossible!

I installed the synchrosoft liscencer program,try to register with the activation number on the card but a massage says it' s not valid!

So what can i do?
Buy a usb key or not?buy this product for nothing and put it by the window?

I'm tired by so many registrations...and so many menus, code numbers....
Tonight i spent more than 1 hour to try to understand this stupid activation system....and it's not ok!

I've got the box,the card...and no music,nothing to do...all this time i spent and no music to play with analog factory...
So i have to wait for an answer...etc....

The problem is:it's more simple to use cracks than to buy a legal copy like me!
Thanks arturia!
It' s a shame and i'm tired!

I've got so many legal softs i honestly bought,and your registration system is the badest  i've seen on  my os!

So i have to wait until an hypotetic answer in this forum...after the weekend!

I 'm tired to loose time like that...

Martin Hines

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How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2008, 09:50:27 pm »
I would suggest downloading and installing the most current version of the Syncrosoft License Control Center (LCC) application. As of this posting (January 16th, 2008), the most current version is LCC v5.2.24.0:


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How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2008, 07:54:36 pm »
Thank you very much martin for your help!

I will try he new version soon!

In fact,i'm so delused by this badest support i'v seen...

I will never buy another product from this company...even if i'm french and it's a french company!

For the moment,my analog factory 2 box is near my laptop..for nothing and i can't use it...
And no phone number to contact them...

All that is really a shame!
If the new syncrosoft version won't work,i think the only thing that will make me happy will be to burn my brand new box and forget this company forever!


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How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2008, 04:21:25 pm »
Strange, I didn't find any mail from "lekanout" in the Support database. When did you post your support request? Have you got a case number?

I must bring back that these forums are not intended for direct Arturia support, but rather for users to share their experience, tips n' tricks, song & presets, with each other.
For support request, you should better go to the Knowledge Base at http://www.arturia.com/evolution/kb/ then especially http://www.arturia.com/evolution/kb/?View=entry&EntryID=85 for the form.

Even if this forum is populated with talented musicians that are also kind people, don't expect fast-as-light support as they're not here for that.

Hope your problem was solved with a simple SLCC update, though.


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How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 10:28:03 pm »
That's true,i didnt find the support at first....you know,after so many registrations....i wasn't be abble to spend time and to look for another solution..

I loaded the last updates from syncrosoft,at first on my mac(not connected to the net):

nothings changed..always the same problem:no usb stick detected..and nothing to do!

But i've got a pc too(connected to the net):
It's exactly the same problem:no stick and licence detected...and i don't know how to do!

So,how to authorize the soft without usb  stick(because arturia say it's possible on analog factory 2...it's not me!)?

So,this is my 3 week soon with my brand new analog factory box and nothings to do...

You know arturia,you can think it's a personal attack...but no!
Your softs are great,that's not the problem...

Your problem is to make musician life more complicated....and i think your company don't care because all that is not clear!

YOU have to make the process simple!
If i bought your product,it's for making music quickly..it's not for spending time to try to find solutions with support...waiting...searching on a database...etc


Maybe you think i'm a newbee...etc

I installed(in a imac,a macbook..and i'm waiting for the new macpro) products from motu and usb(ilok key),natives instruments(native registration system is clear),apple logic studio,reason 4 and ableton(classical serial)and all is ok!

Your soft is great...i don't want to say bad things about that!
but this protection system is a piece of.....(i think you understand me)

And yes,again...all that is a shame for legal users who spend money to spend more time than pirats!

So when i will be more quiet,i will ask your support to find a solution(i'm a regisered user,no problem)...but sorry,for the moment i have to make music with some great softs in logic...softs i bought and i can really use!


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How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2008, 11:34:41 am »
Hi Lekanout,

I just made a reply through private mail, we have had some words :? but the problem should be corrected now.

Again, don't expect a direct support from these forums, they are definitely not the adequate place.

Have great oscillations with the Analog Factory!


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How to autorize analog factory 2 without stick?i'm tired!!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 07:17:58 pm »
sorry antoine!

You tried to help me,that's true..you gave me 2 new authorization code...but nothings to do...

I know you made the best and you are not guilty for your company authorization system choice...but we can't go far with this email support system...(maybe a simple 5 minutes call is by far better:)!)

So thanks for your help..but i always can't use this soft in my macbook!

You cannot help men for one reason:

The synchrosoft system is an absolute piece of shit...by far the baddest i've ever seen!
(i installed 7 tiger and leopard system this years,with all the well known sequencers and virtual synths from several companies...and never had a problem with all these companies...except arturia!)

I will never use analog factory,because of the impossible authorization system...i lost my money...and so much time to try to find why this process was locked!

This soft is a ghost for me!

Now,i don't want to try to contact the customer service for my money...(gna gna gna and bla bla bla again to explain again my problem)and spend time to try to the postal office to recover the money i've lost!

Yes,i don't want to loose time with arturia(even if it costs me)because i prefer to spend with ableton live,reason 4,massive,fm8,absynth,machfive2,logic...etc to make music with efficient products i can authorize!

So the arturia team can drink some beer with my money with my participation...it's ok now!

I just want to stop this bad joke!

I have 2 things to do for that:
-to forgot arturia company!
-put the analog factory box in the garbage!

I did it!
(end of my story)


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