1. re: the limit of one audio source to one input - I take it this is where the mini-mixer module comes in... you could say link the encoders to the minimixer and mix (and automate) differently processed ocillators to a ring modulator or fm input for example??
2. can you control the effects parameters by midi cc? (a nice feature on my lexicon mpx1)
Not with 1.0. Maybe in the future. For now you can assign CC to parameters of MONO (ie PROGRAM) modules LFO1, 2, Sequencer, Galaxy and some parameters of the FXMixer and of course to any POLY (ie VOICE) module parameters.
3. can you put the effects signals in the module signal chain (like on a modular), or are they tacked on the end like insert effects?
Like insert FX but with more sophisticated ways of mixing these effects (parallel and serial modes) and the possibility to individually set the send level of each VCA.
4. From my memory of reading the manual the other day there are 4 vcas always running... do these count towards your total of 20 modules??
VCAs are running only when they are connected to an FXMixer input slice whic is automatically done when a VCA is added in a patch. 1 VCA counts for 1 module among the 20 available, 2 VCAs counts for 2...
5. I'm interested in the Origin as a modular, not only the synth emulations.. you just have to look at the doepfer a-100 range or the now retired nord modular to see the possibilities for future modules - are you (Arturia) going to develop more interesting modules to push what the Origin is capable of?
Yes. Some of these new modules are in their last development stage. Some needs more work. And some exists only in our minds. If you have suggestions, please go on

6. Things I'd like to see are: More 'cv' processors , Envelopes you can retrigger and use as funky oscillators...
8 CV processors (CVModulator) isn't enough? Another approach would be to be able to modulate the connection amount by doing some special kind of connections between a control signal and the amount knob.
6. PWM of other waveform types (even if only on the Origin oscillator module) - I see you've already got this for some of the LFO shapes, so why not the oscillators??
We're likely to add a PWM control of the TRI osc output. Are you thinking of something else?
6. Vocoder module would be great too... any chance these might be implemented?
Sure, it would be great

7. I take it since the Origin is your new baby any improvements made to the soft synth side of things will be transferred over to the origin too?
We try to do this as much as we can, but design constraints are really different between the 2 worlds. Nonetheless, our soft synth Jupiter8V was built upon the same base code than the one we use for Origin. But because the memory constraint is not so acute in the soft world, J8V provides effects in the VOICE chain, Origin can provides only effects that do not need large amount of memory (such as chorus, delay and reverb)
8. Do you have any plans to send an Origin to the folks at Sound on Sound any time soon?...
Yes but expect a couple of month maybe before reading it.